// Chapter 3//

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Finding Korea was pretty easy. She was leaning next to a wall and seemed to be doing nothing.

"Korea?" I called.

Spain appeared out of thin air.

"India I need to talk to you," he said, pulling me with him.

Spain didn't sound like he wanted to kill me. I followed along, eager to hear what he had to say.

"So India. It's kinda obvious that I don't want Korea on my team. I'll hand her over to you if I get America."

I stared at him, wide mouthed. America for Korea? I don't know. But if I let America go, she won't be in love with Ecuador anymore and that's partly beneficial. My jealous side is taking over. America and Ecuador like each other too much, and I couldn't handle it. And I'd be saving Korea. The only thing I worried about was America divulging our secrets.

"Ok. Korea for America." I decided confidently.

We shook hands, finalizing the trade.

Spain ran his fingers through his hair as he grinned wickedly. " Britain!" He ordered. Britain came speeding down a hall to reach us. "Get America for me. Now. Hurry."

Britain sighed and jogged off.

Spain glanced back at me. " Remember, no backing out."

" I know."

Soon, a pale face with alert blue eyes peeked out from the hall. Britain was dragging her down and America was sweating and frantically looking for an escape. But she turned even paler when she saw me. I started to get doubts. But a picture of Ecuador and America flirting took over my mind, and I pushed the doubts away.

" I'm sorry!" begged America. " I didn't mean to do anything!"

Spain laughed. " You don't even know why you're here." He nudged me, urging me to explain. " You tell her."

I began to sweat as well, nervous to see her reaction. Australia walked in as I began to speak. He joined Britain's side when he saw Spain's expression.

" America..." my throat clogs up, but I cleared it loudly. " You have been traded. Korea will fill in on our side, while you join Spain's team."

Ecuador dashed in, hearing 'Spain's team'.

Spain smiled as Ecuador was forced next to America. " Another spy?"

" Ecuador," I began, " Say goodbye to America, I traded her for Korea."

To everyone's surprize, America began to sob. The problem was, she didn't sound sad. "I know that you do the best for us all India. I can't wait until you take me back to Earth," She said between tears.

Guilt crawled up me. America still thought that I was going to rescue her and that this was all a joke.

"Spain, let Ecuador go," I said, pretending I never heard America.

The room fell silent as Ecuador walked towards me and Korea.

" So this is Korea." He examined her, tears glimmering in his eyes. Korea twirled a strand of her dark hair on her finger and smiled. I could tell he hated her.

Then he dashes back to America and started to cry loudly. " America, don't leave! I can't let you go! He'll kill you!" He cried in her shoulder.

America pulled him back up. " It's only a joke to get back to earth." She assured him. " You, Germany, and India will come rescue me."

Ecuador smiled a little. " Okay, I'll miss you. See you then." The pair grasped each other.

Something inside of me snapped. What did I just do to them? How could I do this to my friends? After all, I had loved Germany.

But the memories rushed back - Ecuador's face on the computer and Germany's hopeful question: " So you guys are just friends?" No! I met Ecuador first! Jealousy and fury bubbled inside me. I had to tell the truth.

" On second thought -" I began.

" Nope." Spain reminded me as he ripped America away from Ecuador.

" See you soon, guys!" America waved to us.

" No!" I yelled at America. " You will never see us again! I traded you for Korea and I am not just planning a joke. If Spain kills you - why should I care? Ecuador is mine. I met him on the screen long before this world, not you. I can't deal with you stealing my boyfriend!"

America suddenly started bawling uncontrollably. " Your boyfriend? Since when did you fall in love with Ecuador?" she wailed, pulling out of Spain's tight grip.

At her last five words, Germany, stricken, charged in Spain's direction.

"Give her back, Spain," Germany growled.

"Oh sorry. I think that India just gave her away and told me that she wasn't backing out," Spain gleefully spat.

Germany looked as if he was going to explode. Instead of fighting or yelling like I expected him to, Germany ran back toward our room. To leave me even more shocked, Ecuador followed. On top of that, Korea went back over to Spain's side and gave Britain a kiss. Australia grinned, laughing at me. The four of them went back to their room, dragging America with them.

I would have stayed there, mouth agape, the scene playing through my head again and again, trying to digest what just happened. Ecuador and Germany are angry at me. Neither of them would ever want to be my boyfriend. Korea - the girl I thought was helpless and would surely die - was in love with Britain and would do fine on Spain's team. And Spain just stole America from me.

Thankfully Ecuador and Germany came back to me. But at the sight of them, I fell to my knees and started crying. I last thing I remembered was seeing Germany and Ecuador yell.

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