// Chapter 2 //

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" Wow, just think about it, going to Earth!" I told my team dreamily.

Ecuador tapped me. " Don't get to positive. Spain's pretty aggressive."

" We can win." I waved off his comment, although it was true. America looked up at me with her wide blue eyes glimmering. " India, but how? It's a race to Earth! No. It's a battle we have to fight to live! And what about Korea? Will she be okay? Spain is dangerous to everyone and he seems to despise her."

Korea. I worried for her too much. I thought of bringing her into our team. I mean, would it hurt to break one rule to save one life?

" When do we start?" Ecuador asked me.

" How do I use a gun?" America panicked.
" What if I die?" Ecuador frantically questioned again.

" What if we all die?" Germany concluded.

The room was bouncing with questions.

" We won't die." I assured him. " But I have an idea. If we spy on Spain's team, we'll surely win this." I pointed to Ecuador.

" You, get up. You're first." I command. " Go, spy." I yanked up America. " You're going to check on Korea."

"No," they both stubbornly refused.

Germany stood up, frustrated.

"We have to work together as a team! We are never going to win if we can't listen to eachother. We all have faults. America is too chirpy. Ecuador, you're just... you. India you're too serious. And me... I get frustrated so easily. But we've got to cooperate. Let's start by making our own plans, spying comes second. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir," we all monotonously muttered.

I walked over to the large table in the middle of the room we were in and took our supplies to started panning out what we were going to do.

"These are the jobs we need to cover," I announced. "Someone to check on Korea, two spies, and one person to stay here and make sure that everything is all good."

"I'll be a spy," Ecuador offered.

"Then I will too!" America happily sang.

Did America like Ecuador? My best friend that I confided with? Wait. Am I... jealous? I rubbed off the thought. Besides, why would I possibly like Ecuador? We were just friends, like I told Germany.

"I'll go check on Korea," I volunteered. "So Germany? Stay here."

Ecuador and America went out the door. Just as I was about to leave, Germany grabbed my arm.

"I am not letting you go alone," he simply said.

Germany stared right into my eyes. His olive green eyes seemed to look like they were searching for an answer from mine.

"There is no other choice," I smoothly replied, pulling back from him.

"Indie... I mean India.."

I put my finger to his lips, not letting him continue.

"What makes you think that Indie isn't fine?" I teasingly said to him.

Germany laughed.

"Well then. Indie... I'm coming with you. Can't you realize that there is really no point in me staying here?"

Thoughts invaded my mind. Germany likes me. Wait, doesn't Ecuador like you? No why would he? He's just a friend. Could I like Germany back? Ughhh, why is life so complicated?

"Okay, tag along." I said with a sigh.

"Thanks. But here is something I need to tell you."

My heart raced, trying to prepare myself for every word he had to say. But before I could do anything else, Germany pulled me into a tight hug. And of course, out of all times, Ecuador walked in.

Great. Just what I needed.

He took one look at us and then turned angry. Ecuador cleared his throat loudly, annoyed. Germany's arms were still wrapped around me in a tight grip.

"Ummm, hey," I weakly managed to say.

"America and I are risking our lives to spy while you two are having a little romantic moment?" Ecuador yelled out. "India, this is the last thing that I would have expected from you. Germany? You're the one that said you're little motivational speech about teamwork. And this is what you do in return?"

"Sorry if you're jealous," Germany spat out at Ecuador, releasing me. "I didn't know that you liked India," he continued.

Embarrassment, frustrations, everything crept up me, filling me with ambivalence.

"Why don't both of you shut up? Let's get back to work. We can't be arguing about love in the midst of a crisis," I tried to say to the two.

"Ok Indie," Germany sighed out.

But Ecuador wouldn't listen.

"So now you also have a cute nickname, huh? Well, Indie," Ecuador sneered out.

" It's not like that!" I protested. " I was going to get to work also!"

" Yeah right."

" Ecuador, you can be jealous all you want, but if you choose to, I won't deal with you."

Germany cut in. " Everyone is tired of you."

" Then I quit." He finalizes.

He's met with silence and blank stares. Germany finally broke the tenseness in the air when he lunged toward Ecuador. " You little-" he started, shoving him to the ground. Ecuador angrily rocketed back up to Germany. In just seconds, the boys were wrestling each other to the ground. Insults were flying back and forth.

" Jealous!"

" Maniac!"

" Jerk!"

" Stupid!"

I can't separate the two boys. " Stop," I pleaded as loud as I can. It's no use.

Then I'm tugged into the match. Ecuador was holding my arm tightly. " You always hog her! It's my turn. I want to spy with her. You take America!"

" No!" Germany screamed. " You spy with America!" He took my other arm and pulled me in his direction. I yelled in pain, but they didn't listen. I felt like a tug of war rope.

A slam interrupted the fight. America burst in. Germany and Ecuador both drop me on the ground. America furiously marched around us, eyeing us all.

" Ecuador!" she screamed, " What about my help? I've been spying and I almost died, realizing that you left!"

Ecuador threw himself at her. " Come on. Let's go spy!" he excused himself and started to leave. America pulls him back. " What were you thinking?" she scolds. The pair creeps off, with Ecuador flashing a furious look at us.

"Wait America!" I call after them.

"What now?" America doubtfully says.

"How about you and I go get Korea while Germany and Ecuador spy on Spain's team?"

"That would just be lovely," America said in agreement.

I walk toward America as Ecuador makes his way inside toward Germany. I look up at the time. When we started this clock said that the time was 9:00 AM. Now it reads 12:00 PM. I sigh and continue to follow America.

So far this has been a disaster.

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