Stydia Playlist: Come Back When You Can

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It rarely grew this cold in Beacon Hills, but with Stiles's fortuity it made sense the one time he was stuck outside as the wind blew forcefully. His choice of attire lacked protection from the biting touch of Jack Frost, so his situation wasn't the best. His comfortable blue hoodie, the one he yearned for at that very moment was neatly, or not so neatly, resting on the shoulders of his girlfriend- who was nowhere in sight. His unbuttoned and irritatingly enough thin plaid shirt that he wore over his white tee did not suffice to maintain body temperature.

He rocked back and forth on his heels, growing impatient. It was Stiles's fault he hadn't paid attention to the fact Malia had subconsciously shoved his keys in her pocket as she jetted over the fence as she'd thrown him her mischievous grin. This had been almost a usual routine for the two of them, and frankly, Stiles didn't mind. Perhaps the way him and Malia had met didn't make them qualify for couple of the year, but he was happy. After being hung up over some girl he barely knew, for years, it was like absolute clarity. Malia was the first girl who didn't look at Stiles like he was some irritating, talkative child but like he was a real person. People liked being needed. People liked being wanted. Malia was the first person to ever do that for Stiles. And she was beautiful, she was so, so beautiful.

She was exactly what he needed, after everything that had happened in the spring. Scott had been heartbroken, even disoriented, for some time, but with Kira, Stiles and their other friend's support he found coping mechanisms. With hesitation, which grew into comfort Kira had settled into the group and Stiles enjoyed her company. Though she was a painful reminder of his old friend, Allison. Scott lacked judgment and Kira was still understanding the concept of werewolves and kitsunes, so her manner was kind and open when it came to what had happened to Stiles. Their latest addition to the pack, Liam, knew nothing of it, and Derek understood so much of Stiles's dark state he couldn't grow to hate him. Malia was blind in ways- which made her savior. It was tough not to feel guilty, but with all of them, he was able to stay at ease.

The last month had been pretty quiet without any benefactor of sorts, a great abnormality with their pack. He noticed more and more his time became divided between Scott and Malia. Two people who kept him going. There were times though, it was hard to face other loved ones. Even his dad, the idea of how much pain he had given him when the nogitsune had taken over made Stiles's live a living hell. That was one of his greatest fears, getting up one day and ruining his old man's life.

But slowly, it had become less terrifying to look his father in the face. The Sheriff liked Malia quite a bit and being a crucial part of their group Scott appreciated her too. Their approvals meant the most to him. However, sometimes her free speech left his friends in awkward silence. Scott would smile faintly, he managed to ignore her blunt behavior and when she spoke of extra-curriculars with Stiles he'd heard vague outlines from his best friend himself. Kira, chuckled uncomfortably attempting to remain clueless. And to Stiles's shock his one friend he had expected to take this in stride, perhaps even compliment him for winning such an amazing girl had taken each story with a repugnant air.

He wanted to recall all the boys she had been with since they were children. He wanted to list everything from her first kiss on the cheek in the fourth grade to the last boy she'd smiled at with her smile. The smile that every boy loved.

But he didn't. He watched her quietly take in all of Malia's words. He watched her as she was appalled by the idea of Malia and Stiles. Who was he kidding? She was merely disgusted by the fact Malia had said anything about that topic. About a topic she knew too well of, he reminded himself bitterly.

He never cared, ever, what anyone thought of Malia. He admired her too much, for never giving anyone else a thought, for being so independent. And that's why here he was. She had a Biology assignment due the upcoming Monday, and to typical Malia fashion had completely discarded having to finish it till the Sunday before. After a little crooning, and grabbing Stiles's hand using her incredible strength to pull him off the couch as he marathoned Marvel movies he had agreed to take her to the school. He had no idea as to how she would enter the school, nor had any interest in knowing. He wouldn't be surprised if there were students circled around a set of doors completely ripped off its hinges the next morning. He had watched her in amusement as she nimbly leaped over the fence, unprepared as to what her next move had been. It had been more than ten minutes, and Stiles was still shivering.

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