Panic Attack and A Pack

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Lydia sighed, "Just tell Scott, I mean how obvious is it that you two are completely ready to move on?" She leafed through the Beastiary intrigued, she'd been trying to figure out what the hell Parrish was for the entire summer and they were just days before senior year and she still had absolutely no clue. It wasn't her fault, she'd attempted her best to relax, and in her spare time managed to read portions of the heavy, and thousand-paged encyclopedia of sorts.

Her best friend on the other hand decided that this particular area of knowledge held little importance compared to the dilemma her love life was in, therefore she slammed the book shut, "Lydia, come on. You're the experienced one here. A little advice could go a long way." She shot the strawberry-blonde a pleading look, hoping she'd sympathize.

"Okay, fine. But I'm being honest- you should just tell him. You're ready to be with Isaac, and Scott, well Scott seems to want to -"

"- Be with Kira. I know, I really do." She let out a large breath of air, blowing her bangs up. Lydia began to reach out to her friend, as a small form of consolation but Allison shook her head, "No, you're right. He is ready to move on, but Lydia, I..."

"Still love Scott?" Allison frowned as if this wasn't what she wanted to say- Lydia knew it wasn't, she was going to tell her some illogical excuse for the guilt and fear that was gnawing at her, but she also knew that her best friend unfortunately believed she was speaking the truth. She smiled apologetically, then continued, "I don't think you'll ever stop. I'm sorry to tell you that. That racing heartbeat when you see him and that ache during his absence when he's gone for a minute may have disappeared, maybe it's because those feeling aren't noticeable anymore or it might be that fact that you are trying so hard to pretend that nothing can kill you, not even that boy. But even if that excitement or anguish is something of the past, or something that tears you to pieces every day, I don't know. But, I can tell you one thing. You love him.

Allison's eyes were watering but Lydia goes on, that wasn't the purpose of what she was trying to say. Not to hurt her, never to do that. "It'll sting when he looks at another girl, the way he looked at you, you'll cry when he'll tell her I love you, and that's okay. Because, the course of true love never did run smooth and especially not for the likes of us. Here's the thing, you're either going to be with him, in the very end or, it'll fade away but you'll always love him, I guarantee you will, but that secret want will go away.

"And, it really sucks, but Scott has to go through these steps with you. That hurt and that unspoken desire. I mean, imagine how Stiles felt when Scott finally left him to be with you. I think he's still carrying a torch for the guy, even having Malia and all." She smirked as Allison sputtered out a laugh.

"So, I should tell the alpha -" Much, to Scott's irritation the pair of them jokingly called him that just to watch his discomfort as they burst into giggles, "- about Isaac."

Lydia rolled her eyes, "He may be your first love, the boy you'll always love et cetera et cetera," She observed how Allison's cheeks reddened as her best friend quoted what she had thought were her last words, "But, he's also your best friend. After me, of course." She pulled out her lipstick looking into the mirror in her make-up kit and carefully applied the bright colour. "The pair of you have been smacking other people for pretty much, the better half of Junior year."

Allison began with, "But -"

"But Scott knows, you know about you and Lahey. God, he lives with the guy and we all are never away from each other. It's a little suffocating really. Of course he knows you guys are together, you just aren't official. I mean, literally all of us know Isaac kissed Derek's little sister, and no one even cares. And anyway, with important things like the SATs this year, no one cares whether you're official. I'll just be happy if I'm not hospitalized by the next week."

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