Just A Lesson

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"Come on, I think it's kind of cute." Lydia insisted gently, "I'm sure he meant it."

Kira frowned, "That's not funny Lydia, I asked him if I was trying too hard and he said this was fine!" The Asian-American sighed, "This is like the millionth time he's pulled a stunt like this." She gestured to her outfit, that definitely showed excessive effort.

During spirit day, all students of Beacon Hills were told to wear maroon. Lydia had worn a skirt, Scott was decked in a striped maroon polo, Stiles stuck to his typical plaid that was predominantly the school colour and Malia ended up wearing blood-red pants insisting they were close enough (and that a third grade student was never taught to identify the different shades.) Liam forgot and stole Mason's bowtie who argued that it took away from the maroon pants he'd worn to match but finally begrudgingly let him.

Kira, however, definitely loved Beacon Hills more than any one of them. An outfit compiled of her jersey, a tutu (where did she get a tutu in that colour?), fishnet stockings (seriously, how common is maroon even?), a tie she borrowed from her father, an Easter Bunny hairband (How? Isn't April reserved for pastel colours?) and topped it off with the Uggs (she had never once wore them to school, how did she even find them?) that had Christmas lights taped onto it. She'd chuckled awkwardly, sent Scott a deathly glare and rushed to the bathroom. Lydia followed after.

"Remember the time I asked him if Coach would like my Economics project, and whether it was okay? And he told me it was perfect?" Kira sniffled on the sink counter, as Lydia grimaced.

"I think he meant well." Lydia defended softly, "I'm sure he didn't mean for you to fail miserably in Econ." She re-evaluated what she had just said, "Not that it was miserable."

Her entire assignment had been a mess as Lydia recalled watching her in class. She must have lost the majority of the curriculum, because she had missed over fifty percent of the content she had needed. When she practiced with Scott he'd given her the thumbs up, even though she had a horrible stutter born of nerves during presentations and barely projected- both things that defined a grade in Coach's class who cut a severe amount of marks.

Kira had been a wreck, and she'd blown up at Scott. She had just recuperated from the ordeal with Benefactor and had noticed her grades weren't peaking as usual, and had relentlessly tired to improve each one. Her average in the class, and as a student dropped drastically- which she had made sure her parents were never notified of. It had taken Malia, armed with pizza at Kira's front door and Lydia fueled up with anger to yell at Coach about how he had been incredibly unfair and how her mother and Kira's father could both place complaints against him to cut his salary (this was untrue.)

Scott had apologized, then suggested that Lydia, a much more intelligent student would be of better help. She'd given her fair bit of criticism initially but after a little while Kira was able to brave the harshest of Lydia's remarks. The banshee hadn't taken the class but she'd known her fair bit though she believed if Scott had wanted he would have been of more help considering he had passed with a ninety-seven with lots of effort and focus. He'd grown to become a model student over the past few years, but still refused to aid Kira suggesting he was a weak student in the class. The couple had made up soon after.

"Well, I mean, I think that was just because he thought he was a bad student  in Econ." Lydia shrugged, "I'm sure he didn't want you to purposefully get a bad mark."

Kira sighed and jumped to sit next to another sink, "That's not what I meant. Like remember that time when I broke my leg over the summer because my powers were too worn-out to help me heal and I started preparing for the try-outs? Scott told me I looked like I was in good shape."

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