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YOU GUYS DID IT! DOUBLE UPDATE WOOT WOOT ! Make sure to comment your reaction along the way, I love to read them ! :)
(btw David's name officially changed to Niall !)

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked Wendy as I pinned parts of my hair back.

"No thanks," she replied, her face still in her books. "I really want to study for this test next week.

I sighed, "It's Friday, Wen. You have all weekend to do that," I tried again to convince her. "Come on!"

"No really, I don't feel like partying anyway."

I shrugged. "All right, then."

I walked to the sofa to grab my coat, walking over Wendy's legs that rested on the coffee table, and grabbed my keys next to her feet.  

"Are you sure, I'm leaving now."

She lifted her eyes off of her book. "Yeah, have fun!"

"Thanks," I smiled before heading out.  

I grabbed my phone in my pocket and texted Niall that I was on my way, and we agreed to meet in front of the bar with Melissa. He said that he would be there in five and that Melissa was already there.

I tightened my coat around me as the cold night air hit my skin and made me shiver, and walked a little faster. My first intention was to walk slowly, to let Melissa and Niall have some alone time, but I had been outside for two minutes and I was already freezing, so instead I hurried.

When I arrived, they both looked in a deep conversation but they stopped as they saw me. Their eyes were wide, as if they had been caught doing something wrong. I stifled my laugh and joined them.

"Hey, sorry I made you wait," I apologized.

"It's fine," Niall said with a warm smile. 

I was about to add something but a familiar laugh caught my attention. My blood froze in my veins as I turned towards the source of the sound. I knew it, even before my eyes landed on him, I knew it was Harry. In a crowd of a million people I would have recognized his laugh.

In a corner not too far from me, he leaned against the wall with a cigarette in hand. He was talking with a group of guys and laughing. The laugh wasn't sincere though, I could see it in his eyes, and they didn't shine the way they used to when he was truly laughing.

I tried to detach my eyes from him, but after not seeing him for almost a week, it was hard. He took my breath away with his nonchalant posture and his hair lazily tossed to one side. My heart ache for him and I wanted more than anything to go and see him, but I didn't know the guys that were around him.

It was the sound of my named being called next to me that brought me back to reality, but before I could look away, his eyes snapped in the direction of my name and our eyes met. For a second, he looked surprised, clearly he wasn't expecting me to be there, but then his fake smile faded and his eyes became sad. They screamed 'I miss you' and it overwhelmed me. I missed him too, dearly, but I couldn't bring myself to go and talk to him. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to act, so instead I turned my head towards Melissa.  

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

She looked at me questioningly. "I asked if you wanted to get inside. It's freaking cold out here."

I nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

Melissa and Niall turned around and headed inside. I took one last glance in Harry's direction and I saw his eyes following me until we couldn't see each other anymore.

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