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We stood still in the shower, the water dripping down our bodies and his member still inside me. The only sounds we could hear were the drops of water falling on the tiles and our uneven breaths. Harry's face stayed hidden in my neck, nuzzling softly, as he took a minute to recover. Once he did, he kept holding me until I was ready.

He untangled his arms from around me and pulled out, I groaned. The sudden feeling of emptiness wasn't welcome, as I would've wanted him inside me much longer. It's no surprise when I say that Harry is an amazing lover, in the physical sense of the term. He knew just how to please me and make me want more. But no matter how much I wanted a second round, I never got it, because Harry always gave me everything he had during sex and he wound always be to wounded emotionally to have another go.

"I'll be in the living room," he whispered against my skin.

I nodded without looking up. The shower curtain opened again, followed by the sound of a drawer being opened, then the door. I knew that Harry was now out of the bathroom and the realization made a single tear escape. No matter how good it felt during, the aftermath would often be heart shattering. I knew that once I would come out of the shower, I would have to face Harry and his barriers. He had opened up to me and now he would be pushing me out, too wounded to let me in so soon. He would be distant and I would be hurting.

Being in this situation was hard. Loving someone that didn't love you back wasn't something I wanted. I was uncertain if the type of friendship that we had was good or bad for that. In a way, it satisfied a part of my love for him as we shared physical closeness, but I sometimes felt as if it was unhealthy for the both of us, especially me. It entertained hope, hope that maybe someday Harry would change, that maybe one day he would love me back, when deep down I knew it would probably never happen.

The rollercoaster of emotion I just went through in the last hour made me want to stay as long as I could in the shower to recollect myself, but the decrease of the water temperature forced me out.

I put a towel around my body and retrieved my clothes. They smelled like the restaurant and quite honestly I didn't want to put them back on. I sighed and resigned myself to ask Harry for some clothes.

"Harry?" I said after opening the bathroom door.

He walked around the corner and looked at me, he had his hard mask on. "Yeah?"

"Can I borrow some clothes?"

Harry shrugged. "Sure, you know where they are," he replied before going back into the living room.

I came out of the bathroom and quickly went into his room. Over time, Harry's apartment had become a second home to me. I was here often, and it was not always to have sex but also to hang out with him. After all these years of knowing each other, I considered Harry to be my best friend, and I knew that I was his too.

From the day we met at the park fifteen years ago, we had been inseparable. He would always come over and play at mine and vice versa. Of course, my parents loved him, being the charming boy that he is. I also really liked his parents. They were caring and always very sweet to me. It was a shame that I hadn't seen them in two years, but with Harry being in some kind of fight with them, I couldn't bring myself to visit them on my own. I had considered it, plenty of times, but every time I would feel guilty for it, as if I would be betraying Harry by doing so. He was my best friend, he counted on me and I just couldn't disappoint him like that.

I opened Harry's drawers to retrieve some clothes to put on. I didn't really know if he wanted me to go or if he wanted to hang out, but I chose to put on a pair of boxer and one of his t-shirt. After getting dressed, I went into the living room. Harry was seated on his couch, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, and watching television. I went and sat on the couch but on the opposite of him, leaning my body against the armchair, my head held by my hand and my feet near Harry.

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