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I woke up to fingertips caressing my spine softly, and my cheek pressed against a warm chest I came to adore. Half of my body was covered by the sheets, leaving my top half and one of my legs bare. My arm laid lazily over Harry's chest, my hand resting on right above his heart. I could feel the faint beating of his heart though his warm skin and for the time being, I closed my eyes and focused on that sensation.

I didn't dare to move, scared that I would be breaking the moment. I didn't want to open my eyes and face a reality I so badly wanted to avoid. I had just lived a momentary happiness and I wasn't ready to let go.

So I stayed still, enjoying the warmth of Harry's chest, the slow movement of his breathing and the adoration he spread through his fingers. I was so incredibly in love with him and I wanted to forgive him, simply because I wanted mornings like this every day. The air around us was so calm; there was no tension, no anger, and no pain. I allowed myself to enjoy this peacefulness a little longer.

However, Harry wasn't fooled by my attempt to pretend I was still asleep. His caress became slower, his grip on my hips, tighter. I felt him move slightly before his lips were pressed on the top of my head.

"Good morning," he mumbled into my hair. I heard the rasp in his voice and it stirred something inside.

I grunted before hiding my face against his chest. "No, not yet," I said, my lips brushing his skin before kissing it.

He chuckled lightly, but listened to me. His arms stayed tight around my body and he kept silent. Allowing us to revel in the moment. I kept my lips pressed on his pectoral and closed my eyes. I was holding on to him, and so was he.

This was to good to be true. With Harry and I, nothing ever goes right. It took a few minutes, but our peacefulness was quickly cut short as Wendy barged in my room without knocking.

"Em, can I borrow-," she stopped mid-sentence as she saw Harry in I in my bed.

I pulled the covers quickly. "Wendy! Knock!"

She covered her eyes and turned around. "Shit, I'm sorry, I-I-"

She stuttered before exiting my room as quickly as possible. I cursed under my breath before getting out of bed and putting on my pants and a shirt.

"I'll be right back," I told Harry before going after Wendy.

I found her walking around in the kitchen, running a frustrated hand through her hair. She was embarrassed, but she was also very angry. I stopped on the other side of the counter, facing her and waiting for her to calm down. She saw me and closed her eyes before facing me and smacking her hands on the counter.

"Oh my god Em," she yelled and I motioned for her to keep her voice down. "You fell for his trap?"

"Wendy, don't," I warned her. "There was no trap."

She scoffed. "Are you serious? That asshole has been playing you since the beginning."

"Keep it down! He will hear you!"

She leaned away from me and directed her voice towards my room. "I don't care, let him hear me. He should know how much pain he caused you and that he's an ass," she barked.

"Enough Wen!" I snapped.

I loved Wendy, she was one of my best friends, but I hated that we were having the same conversation over and over again. We would never see eye to eye on that issue, but she never lived through what I lived through with Harry, she never felt the connection we had felt. She didn't know that last night wasn't just a fuck, she didn't know that Harry was trying, but I did.

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