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Darkness.....the absence of light. It envelops your soul, keeping it in a still and quiet state. Although the color means evil and corruption, the darkness that cradled you was comforting and warm. Darkness is there to emphasize and contrast the presence of light.

Unaware of the events happening around you, you slept peacefully in your cocoon. The hibernating rest was suddenly interrupted as your lungs sting for oxygen.

A snap came from the nape of your neck as the cords peel off with gravity pulling you down. Your arms raised, puncturing something like a bubble and fresh air rushed into your lungs for the first time in weeks, causing your eyes to blink open.

Letting out your first exhale, your Chimera ant programming was being wired, finally settling you in the unknown environment. Listing out the rules into your very body. You fell out of your slimy green cocoon, looking around for any of the queen's ant workers.

Telepathically, you sensed who was near and how many. However, you sighed after looking down upon your bare and slimy body that could prove vulnerability to others.

The sound of dirt and pebbles falling from the walls caught your attention. "You're a newborn?" Asked someone with white wings and the body color of green. He had no care that your body was in full view and treated it without any awkwardness.

"Yes, and you are?" you quip

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"Yes, and you are?" you quip.

"Colt. A squadron leader." he said, already placing you in the hierarchy below him.

'He has a name?' Your Chimera ant programming finds this odd as no soldiers are meant to have names. Upon further examination, he looked human on the face but he still had a beak-shaped mouth. 'Condor DNA is in him.'

Curiosa and wanting to follow Colts example you thought of something. "You may call me....." a brief moment pauses as your blank mind finds a name. "(Y/n)."

"You recall your name?" Colt asks rather surprised. The Chimera ants had given themselves names or remember it. Most fall in the first half.

"I do, as I was once human until one of you brought me to be feasted on by your queen." you shot a stare to the ground from the turmoil of feelings you had. They were fighting over the hatred towards the queen and your instinct to serve her.

You clearly remember when it was written into your soul that you were eaten by a higher life form. Establishing that being human is all in the past.

"Careful. With so much individuality you tread soft ground."

"I am simply who I am there is no denying that. I'm more than an insect to be used in an army."

He cocked a brow. "Yes, but we are loyal to the queen as her subordinates."

"And what's wrong with having a name?"

Colt didn't like your tone. He demanded hierarchy and order so it was off putting that you were like this fresh out of the cocoon. "We are loyal-"

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