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Night one of your life has passed. Colt was nice enough to teach you the basics and give you orders on what to do, but one thing he asked came off as odd.

"Lifeforce?" You question, walking alongside him in the tunnels.

"Yes. Rare humans emit that life force, making it great nourishment for the Queen and her King."

"We have such energy Colt, so why hasn't the Queen decided to eat us? Maybe we can offer that rabbit up to her."

Colt chuckled at your sinister joke but then cleared his throat. "It is because we are ants and servants to the Queen that we do not eat each other for the same reason we dont eat the Queen's food source."

You hum with his response. To sum it up, you just don't eat your roommate no matter how much they annoy you.

A warm breeze entered the tunnels distracting you from thought then fluttering your feathers to sparse. "It's almost morning," you say with a smile and yawn, happy you got to experience living.

"I must go," Colt said suddenly, dashing through the tunnel without you.

"Huh!?" You huff rather confused at his burst of energy on this lazy morning.

"I'll notify you if we need anything. Your a Captain so take care of the fort!"

"Alright, but be careful Ni!" You shout back to him but he was already gone.

A small chuckle and patter of feet came to the side of you. "There he goes. Off to perform his duty as a squadron leader."

"It's like it's the only thing he knows." You sigh, tilting your head down towards Peggy.

With a nod, Peggy leads you to his small chambers filled with the piles of books. Books from humans. "I didn't take you for a bookworm, Peggy."

He suddenly snapped his beak at you. "Excuse me! I am no worm!"

You chuckle. "Calm yourself, it's a figure of speech."

"Then you are a chicken."

"Hn-..." Wings move at your realization. "I guess your right," Peggy smirked proudly, like an old man that understood a modern-day joke. "What are all these books about?"

"Humans. Would you like to try and read?"

"I already have but I think I read a biography on some sailor who found North America? It's pure rubbish, I don't know why humans lie through their readings."Peggy nodded in agreement. You take a random book from the pile, feeling the leathery hardcover bend when opened.

The penguin scholar took his own book and settled down to read. He'd occasionally lift his beak to check on you and you had your nose buried in the pages. "I didn't think you would read. And the few that do hardly take an interest to it."

"Hmm, well I was just born yesterday. I guess I crave something more out of this dirt home." You stood up to take another book, a green one that seemed overused. "Hmm, the human mind?" You flip through a few pages, stopping at the diagram of what the brain of a human would look like. Unintentionally, you began to drool.

Your haste shuffling to wipe your mouth caught Peggy's attention. "When was the last time you ate child?"

"Yesterday." He got up feeling mildly concerned about your response. How on earth were you controlling yourself right now? "I'm fine though, honest." You smile at him, feeling the need to immerse yourself in the book as a distraction. Peggy nodded then saw the book cover from his height.

"Neferpitou read that book yesterday as well."

The name had you shuddering. "N-Neferpitou?"

"One of the Queen's royal guards. The second was already born as well. In all my life I have never felt such malice from a living creature. Be careful not to infuriate any of them."

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