He Is No King Of Mine

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Using Knov's ability to make travel portals, we arrived on a hilltop near the nest along with two new humans. The apprentices Knov and Morel spoke about. They watched the Chimera Ants swarming out the nest, abandoning their duty.

"Typical." You scoffed, glaring at each chimera ant that dare abandon the Queen when she is weak. They had little faith she would survive.

"We can worry about them later (y/n)." Colt got your attention, placing his wing over your head. "For now our Queen is the only task, got it?"

"Yes sir!" You saluted playfully. Your chirpy attitude (pun intended bird reader) lit up the others around you to smile and be at ease. "We'll make sure no one gets harmed by the others." The medical team was making their way by foot to the nest and you'd meet them there to escort them.

Morel smiled towards his comrade, Knov. "Don't forget to pay me my one million."

"I know." Knov could only sigh since he lost the bet.

"What are you talking about?" The man next to you asked. Knuckle, was his name. His black hair was styled into a pompadour and he wore a white overcoat with baggy white pants. He also wore black dress shoes to a fight but right off the bat, you hit it off when you first met him. The human admired your wings and even petted them with permission. You only smacked him when he offered you birdseed.

"I'm not one of the stray dogs you have following us around." You remember saying to him and the others laughed.

The other man beside him, Shoot, chuckled knowingly about the bet but paid no mind. His tied-up red hair and no eyebrows made him stand out even though he was to himself for the most part. Intimidating at first but very docile and humorous when he wanted to be.

"Nothing important." Morel quipped, covering up his gambling bet.

"Let's go." Colt opened his wings and we were off.

When we arrived it was so quiet you could hear echoes of your footsteps and the whistling wind coursing through the tunnels. You met up with Bihorn, a bull, and another squadron leader that looked like a panda. "Everyone already left." Said Bihorn.

"Most of our soldiers joined other squadrons and left." the small panda added on.

"Those bastards." You clicked your tongue, thumping your foot on the ground.

The Panda then pointed towards another leader, a pink koala. "Though a few oddballs did leave their squadrons to stay here."

"Were fortunate. I would have expected some fighting to break out." Colt added.

"Aww, I actually wanted to pummel someone." You remarked sarcastically, making a fist.

We guide the surgical team through the maze of tunnels into the Queen's chamber, where you set her down over a quilt.

"Did you stop the bleeding?" The surgeon asked, kneeling and observing the injuries.

"Yes, but I couldn't do anything else for her." The octopus said.

"I'm not sure we can, either. Don't expect too much. For now, we'll hook her up to artificial organs."

"Can you use my organs?" Colt offered. "You can have all my blood, as well!"

"Me too. Take all you need." You held out your arms as well, offering anything they needed so the Queen may survive. It was insane how you felt no fear but great honor at the prospect.

"Unfortunately, it won't work. Chimera Ants from different generations are completely different organisms. Just look at how much the Chimera Ants in your own generation vary. And you barely look Chimera Ant apart from your wings." She glanced towards Bihorn and Small Horn(Panda). "But the sentiment is appreciated. We'll do our best, so pray...That, miraculously, all the organs will function."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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