Underworld for the first time - Solangelo

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I find Hades hilarious, so wonderfully awkward. So uhh be prepared for Hades interaction with mortals. This is more Fanon Persephone just an fyi, in the books her whole vibe is generally indifferent but I love her and Hades's relationship and by extension her and Nico's.

This is a few weeks into Will and Nico dating, they canonically take it super slow, both wanting to make sure that they really take their time with everything.

Minor profanity

Enjoy :)


Supreme Overlord Narrator: Twas a Friday evening, And the son of Hades is not so patiently preparing to bring his boyfriend, the overachieving nightlight, to the underworld. Not for deathy reasons, (don't panic), The supreme lord of the dead noticed a positive change in his son, and decided he wanted to meet the one responsible. However Lord Hades, not necessarily the best communicator, Iris messaged his son saying "Id like to meet this boyfriend of yours, you and him at the palace, 7 pm, tonight? Good okay, bye" And now our favorite son of Hades has practically worked himself into a fit, convincing himself Hades is going to turn Will into an iguana.

Nico's Pov:"Tesoro we're gonne be late whats taking so long?" I call into the Apollo cabin to my boyfriend who is taking absolutely forever to get ready. "My dad isn't particularly patient you know" I continue, hoping that would light a fire under his ass. "I'M COMING DEATH BOY ONE SEC!" He calls back. I smile at the nickname, then scold myself for smiling, remembering I'm supposed to be grumpy, we're fifteen minutes late. Damn you William for being so frickin cute. 

"William! Next time you tell me that we have time to finish the movie because you get ready quick, be warned I won't believe you" I try to say in my most authoritative tone, that completely fails as I remember the look on his face while he was trying to make a case for finishing the show. All wrapped up in my huge duvet, hair sticking up at crazy angles, cheeks pink from laughing, arms clinging to me for dear life, trying desperately to stop me from turning off the TV. 

"WELL IF KAYLA HADN'T MOVED MY STUFF I WOULD ACTUALLY KNOW WHERE MY CLOTHES ARE!" He calls back, peaking out the door, not wearing a shirt. I feel my face heat up. Then, like the little shit he is, he has the audacity to say to me, "You look great" and then wink, before ducking back into the cabin. Why does he have to be so damn cute. I shake my head, smiling, trying to focus on the task at hand. Getting him to the underworld, then stopping my father from turning him into a gecko.

I look down at my watch (a gift from dad on my 16th birthday), running my hand through my hair, tapping my foot, cracking my knuckles. Saying I was nervous would be a massive understatement.

I'm not at all worried about Will not being good enough, anyone who knows Will can tell you he's perfect. But what if dad decides to be difficult? What if he scares Will away? It was already a miracle that Will was here in the first place. God knows I can be a little complicated to say the least, between that and the whole "Ghost King" thing Its a miracle he likes me in the first place. The last thing I want is for my dad to freak him out.

These rambling thoughts are interrupted by Will finally coming out of his cabin (with a shirt on). He's so pretty in blue, it really brings out his eyes. I feel a smile spread across my face, as he comes up to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"OKAY OKAY I'M SORRY THAT TOOK SO LONG I LET KAYLA RUN CABIN INSPECTION AND SHE BASICALLY STUFFED ALL OUR STUFF UNDER BEDS SO WE COULD ACTUALLY DO WELL FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! AND I-" He practically shouts, then stops himself when he notices the little smile on my face. "Whatchu smiling at Neeks" He inquires, smiling like a dork, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Nothing sunshine" I mumble, still smiling. All my worries silenced, feeling grounded next to him.

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