Distance - Percabeth angst - PART TWO

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More angst

sit back and be prepared to stress out,

Misunderstandings, miss communication, and complications, the whole enchilada (for you grover), the goal is that at the end of this chapter the tension is so brittle, so chapter number three this shit can SNAP and the culmination of frustration can OVERFLOW and if you dont CRY tell me so I can make it MORE angsty.

Theres something so fun about writing these, sorry percy, sorry annabeth


tic tic tic tic

Sharp grey eyes follow the hands of the clock, round and round for what could be an eternity. Then tracing the ornate frame. The light woven wood encasing it a souvenir from what feels like  another era.

Her eyes shift to the man across from her. The same man she married, but is it really? Something seems wrong, different. Over the last weeks he'd become distant, quieter, he spent most of his time in the camp, barely coming home, meaning that between the two of them the home was mostly empty...

Her eyebrows scrunch, focusing on his face, scrutinizing every little detail as if trying to decode the toughest of puzzles he sits staring at his shoes. 

What happened?

She wondered

If only she knew

Sure they weren't seeing as much of eachother, but that hadn't really seemed to have had an impact until recently. She'd come home and he was always there waiting to give her a kiss before she went to bed, exhausted from a day of hard work. But since fall fell (for whatever reason I thought this was funny, fall fell fall fell fall fell fall fell) he seemed to be turning cold with the weather.

Annabeth hated it, and she couldn't help feeling like she did something wrong, but for the first time in her life, she just couldn't figure out what. She turns her gaze back on the clock and her vision un-focuses.

Percy looks up from the ground, sensing his wife's apparent distress, following her far off gaze to the ticking clock, spotting the creases in her forehead. As he opens his mouth to say something she rises abruptly.

"Im gonna go take a walk Perce, be back in a bit" She mumbles, forcing a singsong tone as she shuffles out the front door. His face falls flat, mouth into a straight line, and slouches back into the armchair, she doesn't notice.

Where did we go wrong?

Annabeth steps into the forest, immediately tensing in the cold. A quick breeze sweeps her hair out from the loose ponytail, sending it into the air as she tromps through the woods, searching for her favorite place. 

This place seemed to move every day, never the same place, always more accessible when she's happy, always more accessible when she's with Percy. She grumbles in frustration as she pushes through a large bush, only to see a patch of empty grass.


Back at the house

Percy twirls riptide in his hand distractedly, staring out the window after the mane of blonde hair, until it was gone through the bush. Almost immediately after a tingle runs down his spine.

"Shes looking for the pond huh" He whispers to the spirits around him, a soft grin spreading across his face, a stark contrast to his sad eyes.

The soft murmur and the gentle sound of a babbling brook fills his ears, along with the faint laughter of river nymphs.

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