Chapter 12 - Arrival & Departure

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July 4th, 1982

     The hours of panic felt like an eternity.  A rumor began to spread throughout the hospital that Michael was the father.  Why else would he be so nervous?

     "Michael, would you relax?" Katherine fussed to her son.  Watching him pace back and forth became tiring.

     "What's taking them so long?"

     Nya's labor grew too difficult for her to bear.  After 24 hours, she seemed to stop dilating at 6 cm.   Therefore, she had to go in for a caesarian section.  It almost seemed like nothing but the baby's arrival would calm Michael down.  But when Isabella walked through the door, he was finally able to breathe and walk a straight line.  "Thank God you were able to come," he said in her arms.

     "My parents understood."  Isabella's meeting with CBS Discos was a success and a huge deal for her and her family.  They were back and forth between L.A. and Texas and on this day she just so happened to be around for Michael.  "Are you okay?" she asked as her hand moved steadily about his back.

     "She went in for a c-section but it's been a while.  I know something is wrong."

     "Well its surgery, babe.  It takes time.  I'm sure she's fine."

     "I told him this a thousand times already," Katherine said in her corner.

     Latoya walked into the room with two cans of soda.  "Oh, hi Isabella.  I didn't know you were coming.  Are you thirsty?"

     Isabella greeted her and shook her head.  "I'm fine.  Thanks."  She took notice of Latoya handing Katherine a Pepsi can while she began to sip on her Coca-Cola.  Isabella laughed to herself.  "Pepsi and Coke."

     Michael looked at her to find her amusement.  "What?"

     "Which do you like better?" she asked him.

     Michael shrugged.  "I don't drink soda often and when I do, I don't know what I'm drinking."

     Just then, a smiling Nancy burst into the room.  "She's here!"

     Everyone jolted in joy and spread their smiles everywhere. 

     "They'll bring Nya back soon but in the meantime, the baby is on her way to NICU."

     "What's that?  Intensive care?" Michael asked, terrified of the thought that something was wrong with the baby.

     Nancy shook her head to negate his worries.  "She's fine, Michael.  It's routine for these doctors.  They want to make sure everything okay.  They had a little trouble getting the fluid out of her lungs."

     Everyone squirmed.

     "But she's fine," Nancy reassured with her genuine smile.  "Once they did, she had a healthy cry and she's so beautiful."

     Michael couldn't stop smiling.  The small wonder had finally entered the world and he couldn't wait to have his first meeting with her.  But he couldn't go anywhere in the hospital without causing a scene.  "Please bring her here."

     "I will.  As soon as I can."  Nancy and the others headed out to see how the baby was doing while Isabella stayed behind with Michael.

     "You can go," he said.

     "No.  I'm fine right here," she said interlocking fingers with him.  The excitement she read in his eyes made her smile.  "Happy?"

     "Very.  I wasn't even this excited when my nephews and nieces were born.  And I love them to death."

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