Chapter 2 - An Open Secret

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     Emily and I became good friends.  Whenever I had free time I would go spend some time with her.  She turned 19 in the beginning of January.  I was still 17 until August.  My brothers kept teasing me saying I was dating a girl way older than me but I didn't see it that way.  It wasn't that big of an age difference and I would fall in love later in life with a woman who is much older to me than two years.  But anyways, I didn't look at Emily as a girlfriend anyway.  She was just a friend that I honestly did have a little crush on but I didn't think she looked at me the same way.  She actually had a boyfriend at the time. She talked to me about him all the time.

     One day I was at her house watching T.V downstairs with her again.  I still had not made it up to her bedroom yet. 

     Maya came in and sat down next to me on the couch.

     Emily grunted.  "Get up!"

     "No! This is my house!"

     "Well this is my company! Go upstairs and play with your Barbie dolls or something."

     "I don't play with stupid Barbie dolls you ignorant bastard!"

     "Ya-Ya!?" I yelled looking at her.  I couldn't believe the language coming out of her mouth.  "Don't talk like that.  Apologize."

     "It's okay.  She's a little asshole."

     "Emily, are you serious?  She's a little girl.  You're not helping much," I said.

     "Go upstairs," she said ignoring me.

     "I want to stay with Michael."  Maya rested her head on my shoulder.  I didn't mind her staying with us but I was very disappointed in the way she was speaking to Emily.  I was mad at both of them.

     "I'm going to tell your mom what you said," Emily threatened her.

     "Fine!"  Maya stood up and walked passed us.

     Emily thought it would be funny to trip her I guess.  I didn't laugh with her and Maya stuck her tongue out with her middle raised right at her before stomping up the stairs.  She was always a spoiled a little girl but never so angry and...bad.  She never swore before or anything like that.  I guess it was her losing her dad and having another man walking around the house and a new 'sister' when she was supposed to be the only child.

     "You should learn to be a big sister to her.  She needs guidance," I said to Emily.

     "Oh please.  I was always the only child too.  So she's just the house pet to me."

     "House pet?  You moved into her house."

     Em looked at me with an attitude.  "And your point is?"

     I just shook my head.  She was honestly starting to turn me off.  She started running her hands through my afro.  I smiled.  "Stop."

     "You  know you like it."

     I sighed because I hated when she always did things like this.  It made me feel uncomfortable. "I have to head home."  I stood up off the couch.

     "Fine whatever."

     Our friendship became weird like that.  And I can tell you this right now, it was definitely a physical attraction thing I had with her.  She was so beautiful.  But I never wanted to do anything with her.  I was only 17 and I wasn't thinking about that honestly.  But she had her finger wrapped around me even if she did have a boyfriend.  She always told me to come over her house and she wouldn't even be there yet or she'd say 'I'll call you tonight' and never did.  I let her do it though.

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