Chapter 13 - Falling

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     It's amazing how quickly you can fall in love with someone.  How short of time you can spend with them, helplessly in love.  And how long it can take for you to get over them.  The time of healing always seems longer than the actual happiness that spawned between the two people.  I felt like I could never get over Mario.  And by the look in Michael's eyes, I thought he'd never get over Isabella.  They were both our first loves.  And they both broke our hearts.  Vanished without a proper goodbye.  Mario slowly fading out of my life.  Physically.  Just physically.  I could still feel him in my heart, through every thud. 

     But the way Isabella left Michael was like a knife to the chest.  One night we were all talking on three-way, laughing and having a good time.  Twenty-four hours later, she's gone.  I kept thinking there had to be more to the story.  Janelle saying 'leave him' doesn't seem like a logical reason for Isabella to actually leave.  Though never said to him, until the last minute, I know she always loved him.  She told me so.

     But of course I would never mention that to Michael.  He was in enough pain.  The only person who could make him genuinely smile was my bundle of joy.  Michella. 

     "Say hi to God Daddy."  Four month old Michella actually gave him a gummy grin with waving limbs.  She loved Michael.

     "Awww," Michael said grabbing her.  "Hi, sweetness."  He kissed her cheek.

     There was a blonde woman playing in Michael's hair. I say playing because she didn't seem to know what she was doing.  I stared at her until she looked at me and got the hint to back off.

     "Just give me a minute," he said to her.


     "We came to say hi and see how it was going.  I wanna see what you're wearing."

     "I don't know yet.  They're trying to get my hair down," he said patting on his fro.

     "I guess I have to stay all day then."

     "We have to figure this out," a man behind me said.  He was talking about Michael's hair.  I grabbed Michella and stood off to the side as they pulled and tugged his hair in all different directions.  Michael, the perfectionist, didn't like any of the ways they put it.

     But in the end, I would say it looked fine, especially after he put that white suit on.  They included a baby tiger in the shoot.  Afterwards, we all got to play with it. It kind of made me want one for myself. 

     When the shoot was done, hours later, I kidnapped Michael and brought him to Avezzano Ave. I picked up some food along the way so we ate inside of the theatre together.  Michella slept in her car seat which was placed in between us.  Michael and I had our torsos twisted towards one another so we could watch each other stuff our faces.

     "This place is so amazing.  I'm so proud of you," he said looking out to all the empty seats.

     We both dangled one leg off of the stage.  "Thank you.  We're working on our exhibition soon."

     "Are you going to sing?"

     Ever since I mentioned to him that I found my voice and wanted to sing, he'd been bugging me to showcase it for him.  "I only sing when I have to."

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