Chapter 8 - "But first..."

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July 11, 1981

Dallas, Texas

     At 8 p.m., The Jacksons were scheduled to hit the stage at the Reunion Arena to give a concert as part of their Triumph Tour.  But before Michael was to step to the mic with his brothers, finally, after nothing but phone conversations for the past few months, he planned to meet up with Isabella.

  But before Michael was to step to the mic with his brothers, finally, after nothing but phone conversations for the past few months, he planned to meet up with Isabella

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     As the moment grew nearer, excitement overwhelmed his being as it did the same for her.  She traveled to Dallas with her siblings.  Penelope and Peter were twins, just two years older than Isabella.  They were all accompanied by the oldest, Juan David Marquez Jr. who went by J.D., the very overprotective brother.  He actually served as part of the family's security team.  He was 24 years old and took on the role of the father for the day as their parents stayed back in Houston.  Isabella didn't tell her brother she planned on meeting Michael alone.  He only knew that they were all going to the concert.  But she was going to get to Michael if it killed her.

     Bill Bray, a man part of the security team, was ready to take Michael to see Isabella as he was always right on schedule.  But Michael insisted on first answering the ringing telephone. 

     It was Nya.  "I can't make the next show.  I'm sorry."

     "Let me guess, you have to do something with Mario?"  Nya blowing off Michael had become a habit of hers ever since intimacy grew her closer to her boyfriend Mario.

     "I'm sorry, Jackson.  I have crazy deadlines.  I'm way behind on everything."  Nya was in the process of opening a music school with her mother and grandmother.  "But yes, also his showcase got rescheduled."  Realizing Michael had been the man in her life for some time now, it was hard for her to juggle priority when it came to him and Mario.  "I really wish you could be here to see him.  He's so amazing.  The label plans to do great things with him."  She really wanted Michael to like him but he had yet to meet him.

     Michael showed no interest in the guy. "That's great.  I have to go, though.  I'm supposed to meet Isabella somewhere.  Bill's about to take me."

     "Where are you guys going? And what are you going to do?" she asked nicely.

     "I don't know.  I have to go," he said rushing her off the phone.  "I'll call you later."

     "Fine.  Bye," she said hanging up.

     The first thing to shake Michael was the howling wind when he stepped out of the car.  Isabella asked that he meet her down by a river. 

     Bill got out as Michael looked around.  "You want me to help you find her?"

     Michael shook his head.  "I'll be fine.  No one's here really."  Michael slid his baseball cap and shades on and began his stroll.

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