Part 29

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After a hot shower to warm myself back up after being out in the rain, I put on a long, blue evening dress. I feel as if I should make the most of my time with the guys, considering I missed the meal because I was with Liam.
And although I was a bit annoyed with my brother, he was still right. I probably should spend more time at meals with the group and getting to know all of them.

I'm pinning back some of my loose strands of hair in the mirror as I hear the door open. Glancing in the mirror I watch as Thea enters my room.

My maid doesn't say anything, but walks in my direction with quick steps.

"Hey Thea." I say but am startled as she whacks my arm with an unhappy expression, "What was that for?"

She crosses her arms over her chest, as if telling me off, "You've been fooling around with one of the boys! Charlotte, I expect better from you."

I was right. That sneaky butler went and told everyone in record speed. I wish news didn't travel so fast around here.

"What did you hear?" I ask her, seeing how annoyed she is but not understanding. It wasn't like I did anything bad. Why was she so upset with me for kissing someone?

Thea looks away, "I'm not repeating it. But there was a witness. You shouldn't do things like that where people can see you."

"Thea, I kissed one of the selected and a butler saw. What has he been telling people?" I ask hurriedly, feeling it may have been exaggerated in communication.

Thea reddens, embarrassed, and looks back to me, "Oh."

"What did you hear?" I ask my maid, who clearly believed whatever she was told.

She pretends to have lots too do, rushing off to fix the bed sheets, "A lot worse than that."

"Shit. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that guy. Now what are all the staff going to think of me?" I say as I drag a hand over my face.

My maid in clearly embarrassed, and she makes an effort to apologise.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that Miss Charlotte. I jumped to conclusions a bit too soon I guess." Thea says, clearly ashamed she hit me. But honestly, for whatever she heard I probably deserved it.
Thea is one of the closest friends I've had growing up, and she protects me in a way. Clearly she's just wanting to keep me safe, so I understand her actions.

I pause before continuing to finish pinning up my hair, using the small gold clips.

Thea pretends she's so interested in her work, collecting dirty laundry, so she doesn't look up, but I know she's curious when she asks, "So, who was it?"

"William." I say, knowing I trust Thea a lot and she wouldn't go telling anyone. Not to mention how we chat about the boys all the time, and she loves giving advice.
I'm surprised she jumped to conclusions so quickly though. Thea knows first hand the gossip the staff spread around here is mostly false.

"And it was just a kiss?" Thea asks, a lace of guilt in her voice as she feels bad about jumping to conclusions.

I nod even though she's nod looking at me, "Yes, just a harmless make out session, but nothing more."

I loved how I could speak openly to Thea, and she always gives me good advice. She especially loved selection gossip, because I have a hunch she's got a few favourites.

"Was it good?" Thea asks, moving around the room routinely as she tidies.

I smile to myself, being honest, "It was hot."

"Of course. How do you feel about it?" Thea asks me, always considerate my feelings.

I think for a moment, "Like I want to do it again."

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