Part 5: M is For Mother, M is For Mayhem

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Hebe's anger was stirred up, how dare "Annabeth lousy Chase" dare to brainwash Heather into thinking that she the godsforsaken Athena spawn was her mother!!!.😱😬😬😬
At that moment she was in their training room taking out her anger on some dummies as that thought ran through her head.
But it was not enough to calm her frayed nerves. She knew all of Percy's friends in the Questers and others and she learn to tolerate Annabeth Chase for his sake in spite of all the times she saw her staring at Percy in ways that were more than friendly(like a predator would his prey) or the times where she saw her corner him then try hopelessly to flirt with him hoping to get back together with him which Percy resisted admirably every single time.
The news of she did to Heather in order to get Percy back through her threw every remaining amount of respect she had for her out the window. For Hebe as well as Percy, Annabeth had crossed every possible line. Now, they had reached a point of no return.
As for Percy, Hebe was thankful that he had been placated by Hestia, Athena and his parents. She knew from experience that it was not a pretty sight when he lost his temper, the duel with Hercules was a perfect example. Hence, she would deal with Annabeth herself.

Confrontation pt 1
She flashed down to Chase Construction Inc, flashing directly into Annabeth's office. She immediately got hold of her target and tied her to her chair with Celestial Bronze chains(the chains adjusting themselves as she wanted) making her powerless to do anything in retaliation. Then she started the torture.
Warning: Mature Scene Ahead
She de-aged her to the age of Twelve before bringing out the spiders thereby making her relive the memory
Next she de-aged her to a five year old before multiplying the spiders, watching in satisfaction as she cried her eyes out asking for help in removing the spiders.
Thirdly, she increased her age until she was a shriveled old woman despite her immortality. Once more she increased the spiders.
Mature Scene Ends
She would have turned her to a baby if she was not stopped by Athena who reliving the same memory simultaneously as Annabeth.
She pleaded with Hebe to cease her actions saying that while she did not condone what Annabeth did to Heather, she would not want her to fade considering that the power surging through her body coupled with the repeated transformations was too much for her to take.
Instead she suggested that the matter be settled amicably in a duel that would be held in a week's time with the condition that if she lost, her immortality plus her status as a Minor goddess would be taken away for a year as punishment and she would live at Camp Olympus under the watchful eyes of Chiron.
A drained Annabeth said that would be easy, but she had words stuck in her throat when her mother said that she would fight against her for all parties affected.
Hearing that news Annabeth immediately paled drastically, there was absolutely no way she could ever go toe to toe with her mother and win. That was only unless she could stay one step ahead of her mother.

The Plan
She broke into the Olympian vault and stole Kronos Scythe, it would be her get out of jail free card. Now she just had to wait for the right moment to use it. They would not know what hit them and Percy would be with her once again right under their noses.

The duel
Like the duel with Hercules it was held in the Olympian throne room in the eyes of the Olympian council.
Rather than be a heated match, Annabeth just spent time evading her mother hoping to tire her out. However, that did not work because the reverse was the case as she tired out quickly having not mastered all of her powers fully. It was now or never, she had to escape.
She pretended to forfeit the fight saying that she had surrendered, but when Hephaestus and Ares came to restrain her so that her punishment could be affirmed, she materialized Kronos Scythe(which had been disguised as a chain around her neck)and tore a hole in the floor of the throne room which she jumped into, laughing at the Olympians and yelling at them that Percy was finally hers while laughing maniacally. Annabeth was now deemed a traitor, an enemy of Olympus.
The only person not over taken by the chaos created by Annabeth in the throne room was Artemis who followed her swiftly without a second thought, curious to see where exactly she was going.

Note: For every action there is always a matching consequence.

Annabeth's unruly actions against Percy and Hebe did not go unnoticed by the Fates, more than that by stealing Kronos Scythe and tearing a hole in time to go back to the past, she had threatened the safety, stability and security of Olympus. She needed to be thought a lesson. Hence they tried to put a hex on her:
"On and on you shall go, neither forward nor backwards forever stuck in a loop, this will remain your prison for eternity". It seemingly did not work as Kronos scythe was able to strengthenabsorb and dampen the effect and her even more.

However, as she would find out, that was not the only hex placed on her. The goddess of love Aphrodite was not happy because Annabeth Chase's repeated unfair actions against Percy in attempting to get together with him when he had clearly moved on from her, caused her i.e. Aphrodite to develop an intense loathing for Annabeth.
As such, while the Fates hexed her to travel through time endlessly, she also quietly placed her own but she let the wind carry it.
One way or another, she knew the intended target would eventually find out about it and she could not help but smile wickedly.
If she thought one hex was bad, then she totally had another thing coming.

The past(Read chapter One)
Location: Olympian throne room
Event: Demi-god reward ceremony
Present Day Artemis is watching the ceremony in the shadows(she chooses not to interact with her past self who is quietly sitting on her throne with a smile on her face) in the right hand corner of the room).
Present Day Annabeth Chase is on the left side of the room also in the shadows careful not to interact with her past self as well. Though she summarizes that if she can get to Past Percy after the ceremony, then she might be able to set things straight provided nobody stops her. Knowing all what Annabeth had done in the previous timeline, Artemis knew that she could not let Annabeth meet Past Percy at any cost.
Hestia reminded them that Percy had not asked anything for himself in spite of all he had done for them which was unfair because he deserved something in return for his service to them.
As usual Percy said he wanted to stay with his parents seeing that they were still alive and therefore accepting any kind of immortality would amount to leaving them alone. Plus, he wanted to finish his education.
Rather than be upset at Percy, Poseidon smiled, telling him that his mother was made immortal, in fact, a Minor goddess of the Sea who shares his domains with himself, Amphitrite and Triton long before he Percy was born. Percy was speechless at the news, he could not contain his happiness. Knowing his mom, he knew his mortal father Paul already had the same thing.
With that settled, nothing else was holding him back, so accepted(Artemis, the two of them could not help but smile at the beautiful moment, much more for present day Artemis because she got to relieve it again) although it was agreed that he would join them when he accomplished what he wanted. Poseidon stood up from his throne and shot a beam at Percy, as a result he glowed a bright Sea-green color.
As Percy returned to his parents house in Manhattan, three women discreetly followed him, careful not to reveal themselves. He took a detour to the same bar in the previous timeline hoping to relax and plan his future now that he was a designated Olympian.
Seeing his slip, Hebe knew that this was the right time to strike but before she could shed and assume mortality, she was approached by Artemis who told her to leave the vicinity immediately as there was danger lurking around(in the form of Annabeth, but she would not tell her that for reasons best known to her alone), she promised Hebe that Percy was protected but she could not ensure the protection of two people at once if they stayed in the same place, considering what Annabeth had become and what she was currently capable of.
Sad that her plan could no longer be achieved as she wanted but wanting to protect Percy, Hebe returned to Olympus though she still kept an eye on Percy and true to Artemis's words she saw that the hooded figure carrying Kronos Scythe was Annabeth Chase.
Meanwhile, Artemis looking into the distance saw Annabeth Chase looking at her heatedly with a scowl on her face to show her displeasure at her plans being ruined again. In reply, she gave her the peace sign before entering the bar.
Artemis had plans of her own for Perseus Achilles Jackson.

Thus the timeline had changed, this time with Artemis in Hebe's place. Contrary to popular belief that the other timeline out of which this new one was just created would be wiped due to the exchange, the Fates decided not to do that, after all, they loved their drama.

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