Part 4: Hell hath no fury like a woman Scorned

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This occurs after Athena told Annabeth about Percy's new life with Hebe in Chapter 3.
Note: She does not consider herself responsible for her deliberate actions of rejecting Percy because her mind is now warped to believe that someone or something else is to blame for it.

Note: Even though Athena did not tell Annabeth about the duel between Percy and Hercules as well as his defeat by Percy in order not to create an obsession to get him back for herself, showing his current life with Hebe and warning her to stay far away from them(even though good natured) had already unknowingly done the damage she was hoping to prevent.

Annabeth Chase

She could not believe it, her Percy was now married to Hebe with a child?, Impossible!. He had started a family with someone who was not her?, Impossible!!
He had promised to wait for her until she was ready. He had completed the tasks her mother required for her hand in marriage; so why did this happen!?
Who or what had convinced him to change his mind so suddenly. It could not have been his father or her mother because they both agreed having put aside their millennia long animosity thanks to Percy.
As she thought more about these things, her anger steadily increased and more questions entered her mind.
1. How could her own mother warn her to keep away from the man she loved since she was Twelve?
2. Could Hebe have had her eyes on Percy while she was still married to Hercules so that she orchestrated her own divorce to get closer to him?
3. Could the Fates or Ananke have played a game with her by separating herself and Percy?
Irrespective of who it was, her mind was made up, she had one sole goal now since she achieved everything she wanted. She would get Percy Achilles Jackson, the man she loved "dearly" back to herself and anyone who stood in her way to stop her, her mother included, would suffer severely.
She would do not strike directly because they would immediately know what her intentions were especially her mother. She would use a subtle method. Percy still saw her as a close friend, so she would use that to her advantage to get close to Heather, then afterwards Percy would follow as she would use Heather to get him.
If she approached Heather as a family friend of her father's at first, the child would probably not suspect anything foul at play and she would easily gain her trust.

Fortunately for her, it seemed this would be easier than she thought. You see, incidentally Percy and Hebe had summoned to Olympus for an urgent meeting while Sally and Paul were at work, meaning that there was no one close enough to pick up Heather from school, thus Annabeth took her golden chance.
If you asking how this happened, she had already contacted spies to know the itenary of the family before hand.
Now I know for a child, you would quickly say she should not talk to strangers, but Annabeth Chase was no stranger rather she was one of the famed seven Heather had about from her father Percy, grandmother Sally Jackson and her her grandfather Poseidon.
She being a young child of the age of Eight was completely unaware of what happened in the past between her father and Annabeth, it was kept away from her to prevent any bad blood, for instance the fear of her developing animosity towards Annabeth at that tender age and attacking her in anger as a result of learning what happened. Hence, that was why she still Annabeth as a hero and role model; after all, what would you do if you saw one of your heroes standing outside your school?
As an old saying goes, "Curiosity kills the Cat". Oblivious to the serious danger she posed or what her sinister plan was, Heather went to talk to her. Shyly introducing herself, Heather asked if she was one of the famed seven who were her father's most trusted allies and second family.
She smiled to herself at how the first phase of her plan so easy. She did not even need to introduce herself, talk about her parentage or about her many quests as the child already knew all that surprisingly at first glance.
Coming out of her reverie, she answered in the affirmative easing her worries. Her next step would be very important in gaining the little girl's trust.
She weaved the lie, she said Percy had sent her to pick her up since he could not do so himself as he was engaged in a meeting on Olympus.
To back up her lie, she showed her a single sea green bead emblazoned with a gold Trident that Percy gave to his friends after he became a god as a identification in case they got lost, ran into giants, Titans, monsters or ran impostors claiming to be him.
All they needed to do was crush the bead to summon him to aid them, afterwards the bead would return to the user's pocket If it got lost reconstructing itself for future use.
He did not know that she still had the bead, if he did she knew he would have taken it from her a long time ago.

Changing the topic, she told Heather about their adventures(I.e. Percy Jackson and herself)
Fighting and defeating the Fury Alecto
Fighting and defeating the Minotaur
Fighting and defeating Ares
Returning Zeus's Master bolt
Crossing the sea of monsters
Saving Thalia's pine and Thalia Grace herself.
Saving Artemis from Atlas and returning him to his prison under the Sky.
Fighting and defeating Kronos
Fighting her mother's Bane Arachne and retrieving her mother's statute.
Rescuing Thanatos from imprisonment in Alaska.
Note: All these stories were told by Annabeth Chase to Heather over the course of two weeks in secret meetings at Central park over ice cream. Sadly, Sally Jackson still trusted Annabeth Chase as a close friend of Percy hence she did not know the danger Heather or Percy were in.
Note 2: After the unsavory incident with Hercules, Athena took the role of a godmother to Heather with Percy and Hebe's permission in order to keep an eye on her and make sure Hercules did not try anything funny, if that happened the matter would be reported to the Olympian council immediately. Thus, she did not expect her own favorite daughter to be the new villain, rather she expected her to be Heather's loyal friend/mentor and protector.
The consequence of this was that, Heather slowly forgot that Hebe was her mother courtesy of the ice cream given to her by Annabeth being mixed with drops of water from the river Lethe. In her new memories, Heather saw Annabeth as her mother. The challenge would be getting Percy back as she planned, however, it would not be as by that single act; her cup would be become full and her conspiracy would gain the attention of the Olympians.

A Week Later

By now Olympus is being redesigned the two wars.

Athena's temple on Olympus.
She brought Heather to give her her full blessing and maybe lay the foundation for annual study sessions in future.
Athena innocently asked Heather how her mother was doing, to which answered that she as usual working on her blueprints for redesigning Olympus and she was in the mural stage.
At once Athena knew something was terribly wrong because was what Annabeth was doing currently, since Hebe would either be making Nectar for the Olympians aided by her servants or working in the beauty clinic.
She had to rectify this mess Annabeth had made before it got out of hand.
Calling Hestia to her temple she told her of the situation. She knew two things and that was why she asked her to come and help her
1. Hestia by virtue of her personality and domain could calm anyone down.
2. She could all of Olympus safe, thus she would keep Heather safe.
3. Percy would listen to her. You see, at the reward ceremony for the two wars, she asked Percy(in his mind so that the others would not hear their conversation) if she could be his mother and he said yes. At a later date, when the fracas involving himself, Hebe and Hercules ended, they finalized it with Sally Jackson granting her express permission, he had another mother to care for him and keep him out of trouble whenever she was not there.
She handed Heather to Hestia who took her to her own temple and put her to sleep, also she put up barriers so that nobody else except her parents, grandparents(herself now included) and godparents could get in.
That settled, they called Percy and Hebe and told them about the problem. Percy tried to control himself as the culprit was a friend of his who had through thick and thin with him and more so her mother was a godparent to his daughter, so he could not make any on the fly decisions as this was not Hercules whom he despised meaning he had to careful in his reaction so as not create any ill between him and Athena.
On the other hand, Hebe was mad beyond measure, silently seething with rage. The woman who had cast aside her now husband was making a move to get him back through their daughter?, Well, newsflash, she had another thing coming. Annabeth was surely going to regret this.

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