12 H is For Hunt H is For Hunter T is For Taken

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This one is for you my friend 146852586a, based on your idea in the comments section of Out Of Reach.

Thalia Grace had just been returned to the world of the living thanks to Perseus Achilles Jackson, Son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, her cousin and brother figure.
Yes, she joined the Hunt to escape the Prophecy. But each time she came to Camp, she would always if there was no capture the flag, spend her time watching Perseus or even at times she would spar with him.
They spent a lot of time together talking about their lives as demigods, bringing them closer to each other the more.
When he wanted to propose to Annabeth, she was overjoyed seeing that she also considered her little sister. Then came a situation she was not expecting, Annabeth flatly rejected him.

This was after the war so she thought there ought to them being together but apparently Annabeth chose her new position over him.

Thus she decided she was not going to let him sulk, then disappear or do something really stupid, instead she was going to take him away, because she feared that should he retreat into the mortal world, he would catch the eye of a mortal woman who would keep him there. If that happened, he would never fully return to their world owing to his fierce loyalty.

It did not help that were rumors of him potentially dating his former bully Nancy Bobofit when he was outside of Camp. Do not ask how she knew but she did.

He was supposed to disappear and go to the mortal world and ask Nancy Bobofit out, sadly for him Thalia Grace would not let it happen, as a matter of fact the entire Hunt would not let it happen. Hence the Hunt's five lieutenants went fully armed to Camp under the cover of night take him.

They took him without a fight as he was too shocked to understand what was going on upon seeing them with weapons drawn, he decided that they would perhaps tell him when they got to their Camp, so he would wait.

During the journey back to the Camp they put him to sleep with a sleeping spell they took from Hecate. Next, they decided that they would give him Artemis blessing to make him a hunter like them, the first male hunter since Orion.

To achieve this goal, they also asked Hecate to siphon some of Artemis power for that purpose. They gathered around him and began chanting.

The first oath was as follows:

"We as hunters of the goddess of Artemis and her oldest hunters/lieutenants, have chosen to give this demigod Perseus Achilles Jackson her full blessing to make him a hunter as we are. With Artemis herself and Chaos as witness, so let it be"

As a result he shone bright silver to show that he had become one of them.

The second oath was more personal. :

I, Thalia Grace, hunter of Artemis, willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband.

I, Zoe Nightshade, hunter of Artemis willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband.

I, Bianca di Angelo, hunter of Artemis, willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband

I, Atlanta Greene, a hunter of Artemis, willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband.

I, Phoebe Isles, a hunter of Artemis willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband.

With Artemis herself and Chaos as witness, so let it be.

Thus they were officially married to him.

He heard everything, he was now officially married to Artemis's five lieutenants just a day after Annabeth turned his proposal down. He still hoped that when Artemis returned from Olympus she would help him correct this mistake.

Unfortunately, for him, even though Artemis returned in the evening of the day, rather than reprimand them for their actions, undo it then send him on his way, instead she also prepared herself to take her own share of the vows with him.

Her vow was as follows:

"I, Phoebe Artemis, goddess of the moon, hunt, archery and childbirth, willingly agree to be bound to Perseus Achilles Jackson son of Poseidon for all eternity as my husband. With Chaos as witness so let it be"

This was it, seemingly the final nail in the coffin. The only way out would be to appeal to either the Fates, Ananke or as a last resort Chaos herself.

Later he asked them why they did what they did what they did by outrightly kidnapping him from his Cabin, bringing him to their Camp and subsequently marrying him.

Thalia told him that they were there when he proposed to Annabeth to marry him and she in turn rejected him in favor of being the architect of Olympus, they could not stomach it at all, it made their blood boil with anger. They swore there and then that they would make her regret it. They pleaded with him to accept it saying it would be worth his while.

They also informed him that by extension the rest of the Hunt are in the same position as them i.e. they are his wives. Appalled by the thought, he categorically tells them that the younger hunters are off limits to him. Artemis simply laughed saying that he never ceased to prove to them that he was a good and gentle man.
Continuing, she said it was sweet of him to take that decision as it showed he was willing to set boundaries, however, it would not work at all, as since they had seen their sisters do so, they would want to do the same thing they had done now when they came of age.

After thinking about it for a while, he accepted it. He just hoped the rest of the Olympians would accept it especially his father.

Meanwhile, Triton went to Camp to fetch Perseus for some family time only to find him missing. He immediately reported it to their father who had also received a similar report from Sally that Perseus was not at home.

Zeus worried for his nephew, told Hermes and Iris to summon the two camps.

Artemis was summoned to Olympus, where she was told that Perseus was missing. She smiled to herself, her family was in for a big surprise.

Normally, when she went for meetings on Olympus she went by herself or took her five lieutenants along with her. Today was different, as she took the entire Hunt including Perseus with her to Olympus. After all, she had a special announcement to make.

They were the last group to arrive which the Olympian council found uncharacteristic as they always arrived early.

Looking at them they found the one they sought to find. He was seated on a silver, gold and sea green throne, in his lap sat Zoe Nightshade kissing him deeply and moaning as he tweaked her nipples roughly through her uniform while Thalia Grace gave her the stink eye. She would definitely get back at her for this, after all it was she who came up with the idea so automatically she felt she was the one to claim him first. Zoe Nightshade sensing her sister's distress, telepathically assured her that they would have Perseus to themselves for real later, telling her that what was happening at the moment was simply a demonstration to show others that he was exclusively theirs
Artemis looked around, luckily the person she wanted to show off to was there, sitting aside her mother. Therefore, she promptly announced that Perseus was now married to the entire Hunt.
Aphrodite fainted in shock before quickly getting up and smiling a satisfied smile. Sure, she had absolutely nothing to do with this, but it was satisfying to see.
Apollo was happy Artemis had finally gotten what she wanted, as he already knew she always wanted Percy for herself ever since she met him
Hestia would take no pity on Annabeth for what she did, after all karma was a boomerang, you reap what you sow. Overall, she was happy for Percy
The rest were either dumbfounded unable to anything in rebuttal or did not care i.e. Ares

As for past Annabeth, she was seething with rage as she saw herself in that timeline being foolish by rejecting his proposal, how could this happen again now that she decided not to travel back in time again.
She now wore special bracelets that made her unable to use Kronos powers. It was a struggle to keep Kronos out of her head. She knew that if she used those powers any more times than she had already done, it would be the breaking point and Kronos would take over her body permanently.

Seeing her confusion, they told not to worry. It would stop once they felt it was complete.

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