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"The one?" Huey straightened his back. "Ah, the one who gave him stitches?" May was quiet.

"You did what."

"I let him say over at my house? After giving him medical treatment?" May closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.

"I'm grateful you helped Peter, especially with how you handled the whole Spiderman thing."

"I'm back." Peter said after he knocked on the wall, then handed a white gift bag with clean clothes to Huey, who mouthed a 'thank you' in return. May sighed.

"It's five in the morning, do you want to stay here?" She said as she fixed her glasses.

"Oh, actually I live down the hall." Huey pointed to the front door. May stood there before facing Peter.

"You went to his unit when we were on the same floor?" Her voice was flat, in an intimidating way, though she didn't mean to sound that way.

"I-I didn't know..."

"I'm not mad, but how didn't you know?"

"I would guess it's because he was losing blood." Huey groaned when he got up, feeling like he got hit with a car. Huey gave a slight bow before he opened the door. "If you need me I'll be in apartment 317, Peter already has my number. See you next time, Peter, Miss May."

Huey gave a sigh of relief when the door closed behind him, he hoped he had a good impression with Peter's aunt.

Huey's footsteps echoed in the quiet hall. He wore a smile on his face, he'd always liked the mornings. They were peaceful, unlike the cacophony of sounds in the daytime. He liked the buzz of moths and chirps of crickets. If you wake up at the right time, you can hear the sound of the first songbird.

The apartment keys clinked together as Huey grabbed them from his pocket. Before he could unlock the door, it swung open. And behind it was his sister, Riley.

"Why are you coming home at 5 in the morning?" She asked, pulling him into the apartment and sitting him at the bar counter.

"I was out, dearest older sister." She was the first person to find out about him being 'Stellum'. She was chill about it, she sees things everyday that are a lot weirder than her brother having superpowers.

"Really? Because Dallas said he picked up you and an underclassman from Stark Tower. Care to explain?" This earned a groan from her youngest brother.

"I got caught in a spiderweb, and it's a sticky one." The statement confused Riley, and then she realised.

"I'm surprised it took this long." She said as she sat on the counter next to him.

"This long? Riley, he only appeared a few months ago. Besides, why would go talk to some dude in a spandex onesie?" Huey laid his cheek on the cool counter-top.

"Hmm," Riley started playing with her little brother's soft, dark brown hair, "well, if you ever want to know a more about the little spider, I suppose no one would notice a missing paper or two."

"Are you sure you wouldn't get in trouble?" Huey's voice showed his concern for his sister.

"Don't be a worrywart, it'll be fine." She glanced over to the balcony door and gazed at the sky. "And I still haven't whooped your ass."


"Language!" Riley poked his chest and they both laughed. "But actually, you're in a lot of trouble."

Riley slapped Huey upside the head a couple times before calling it a day and sending him to bed.

"It's 5 am on a Saturday, go to sleep." Riley said as she walked into Huey's room. Huey was changing out of the clothes Stark lent him. After he didn't answer her, she made a proposition. "If you don't go 'out', I'll make you coffee cake." As she said this, Huey fell off the bed he was climbing into.

"For real??" He said as his head popped out from behind the bed. It was amazing what Huey would do for his sister's cooking. Huey was the one who made meals, Dallas and Vincent were banned from making food. They would just light the kitchen on fire. While using the microwave. They are not to be trusted.

Riley, on the other hand, she was fucking Gordon Ramsay.


"Good afternoon." Huey said as he opened the clubroom door.

"Good afternoon." The voices of various students chimed after his greeting. Peter poked his head out of his notebook and looked at the doorway. It was his first time seeing Huey in normal clothes, and he wanted to take it all in.

Huey was wearing a white button up shirt, rolled up to his elbows, grey wool trousers, and chunky sneakers. His shirt had the top two buttons undone, and was slightly wrinkled. The pants stopped before his ankles, due to his height, and showed his dark red socks. Huey didn't seem like the guy to wear chunky sneakers, but he sure did pull them off. He looked good. The warm light of the afternoon sun made home look fragile, which is the opposite of what he actually is. Compared to Huey, Peter thought he looked like he rolled out of bed. He was wearing a blue crew neck sweater and brown corduroy pants

"Afternoon, Peter." Huey had sat across from the shorter boy and handed him a packet of papers. "This is a list of topics to go over before you leave, and the Nationals permission slip."

The two sat at the table looking through and marking up different papers. As Peter looked through the papers he was given, his eyes wandered to Huey. His hands were big, and they moved rhythmically as he wrote out different papers. Peter noticed Huey's nails, they were painted with red varnish. Huey wrote out something before getting up and walking to the team captain, Liz. Peter watched the two from his seat, observing their body language. It felt like his breath became minty.

"Alright everyone!" Liz yelled to get everyone's attention. "We'll be going to Nationals in a week! Grab a packet from Huey over here to fill out so you can actually go!" People grouped around Huey as they grabbed paper from the stack he held. Liz looked over to him once more and then yelled something again.

"Once you get the form, make sure to put it somewhere safe. No paper, no Nationals! Also..." The decathlon team looked at her, not expecting any other announcements. "Thank Huey for representing student council and helping us organise this event! We couldn't have made it without you." Liz turned to Huey as she said the last sentence.

"I'm sure that's an overstatement. All I did was a little paperwork." Huey smiled as he handed the last paper to Liz.

"Well, when you realise that you saved our butts, you can come to my party on Friday."

"I'll see what I can do. Unfortunately, I gotta run." He said as he looked at his watch. Huey called from across the room, stuffing paper into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Hey Peter! Tell me how you're doing later!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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