Peter winced at the light shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time.
"10:43." He murmured. "I should return the clothing soon." After a minute or two of laying there, he finally crawled out of bed, got dressed, and walked to school. He was in too much of a daze to remember that he was supposed to stay at Stark Tower.
His walk to school was a slow one, being half-asleep and on a lot of pain meds. As he kept walking, his consciousness slowly returned. When his high school was in sight, he was fully awake. He pushed open the big double doors and walked to the main office.
"Hello, I'm here to sign in?" Peter said, looking around the empty office.
"Just a moment!" A loud voice shouted from a back room. A tall woman with an afro scrambled out of a printer room with her arms full of papers. "What do you need sweetheart?" Her voice was quiet and sweet but still boomed in the quiet halls.
"I'm here to sign in?" Peter said a little confused.
"Ah," she placed her messy files into a neat stack almost effortlessly, smoothed down her pencil skirt, and sat down at the computer on the front desk.
"Name and grade?"
"Peter Parker, 10th grade."
"Alrighty, one moment." After a few moments of typing at her keyboard, a small yellow paper printed from a machine that Peter thought was a clock. The woman scribbled something on the paper and handed it to Peter with a smile. "Lunch is starting."
"Thank you, miss-?"
"Addams, but you can call me Diane." She told him. "Now get to lunch, you don't want to go hungry." She shooed him away with a giggle.
"Bye Miss Diane!" Peter called as he walked to the cafeteria.
When he walked in, the cafeteria was filled with students eating and talking with each other. Milling around Peter spotted and empty seat in a far corner, sat down, and took out his lunch, a turkey & cheese sandwich he found in the fridge. He heard his phone buzz and saw it was a text from Stellum.
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Peter was concerned about what Stellum was going to do, until something else concerned him. Actually, concern is an understatement for what was about to happen.
"Peter!" He felt someone grab his shoulder and immediately grabbed their wrist. "Woah calm down!" It was Ned.
"Gah! How do guys sneak up on me like that? What happened?" Peter said, worriedly.
"That's what we should be asking." MJ said, sitting next to Peter.
"Show him, MJ!" Ned told MJ. She pulled out her phone and showed Peter. His eyes went wide.
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Peter's mouth opened and closed, he swallowed. "I need to make a call." He said as he got up and quickly walked away, ignoring his friends yelling after him. He pushed through the growing crowd of people leaving the cafeteria.
"Watch where you're going."
"What the fuck, dude!"
He ignored their yelling and made it to a less populated hall. He dug through his pocket and grabbed his phone. He quickly opened the phone app and dialed the new contact.
"Pick up, pick up." Peter murmured.
"Spidey? I said don't worry."
"Your brother took a picture of us in bed and posted it on Instagrim."
"Hold on, I'll- I'll talk to him. Alright?" Peter smiled.
"Yeah," he Peter softly, "thank you."
"Don't worry, I'll talk some sense into Vincent when he gets home. Just, I'll see you tonight?"
"Yeah, I'll see you tonight." Peter said before he hung up. He sighed and laid his head back, hands over his eyes.
"Who was that?" A familiar voice rang. "Your new boyfriend?"
"Flash, I don't want any trouble today." Peter groaned.
"Like I give a shit." Flash snickered.
"C'mon man, why do you even pick on me?" Flash paused, then started his bit.
"How's your boyfriend?"
"Stop it."
"Awh, are you two having a fight? Are you angwy at each other?" Flash said like he was talking to someone with a matching intellect.
"Heh, at least I have a significant other." Peter crossed his arms. This statement made Flash flinch.
"Why you- What's it like not having parents?" That was a low blow Flash, even for me.
"I don't know, your parents are around as much as mine." He was pissed at this point. And so was Flash.
He was so angry he punched Peter square in the face. As he stumbled back, Peter clutched his nose. After checking to see if he had a bloody nose, which he didn't, Peter shoved Flash into lockers on the side of the hall.
Flash shoved Peter to the ground and grunted, how dare Peter touch Flash? He scrambled to his feet, only to be met by a jab to the chest. Before Peter could regain his balance, Flash punched him in the gut.
Peter's eyes shot open, realization hit him like a truck. He slowly let go of his abdomen, only to reveal a growing red splotch. Flash, being struck by shock, stumbled back. The two didn't realize an audience had formed, and people were now screaming.
"Peter!" Guess he didn't hear her heels clacking as she ran to him either.
"M-miss Diane?" Diane was now cradling Peter on the floor.
"Peter Peter Peter, it's going to be okay." Diane rummaged through her cardigan pocket for her phone.
"Help, I need and ambulance." Her voice trembled.
Flash was suspended for two months. Both of Peter's emergency contacts were called.