"You said that he got into a fight?" The doctor asked.
"Yes." Diane said. Since she was the one who called, and that Peter's emergency contacts hadn't arrived yet, she was talking with the doctors.*
"Well, just by looking at the wound, he had stitches that weren't completely healed. During the fight they opened." The woman flipped through papers in her clipboard. "Tch, where are his guardians? We called their number."
"Well, Peter lives with his aunt, and she's a nurse."
"Hmph." She knew the troubles of working at a hospital, too bad the woman was impatient.
"I made sure to call both of his emergency contacts." Diane fidgeted. The doctor raised her brow.
"Both?" There was a rapid knocking at the door, and then a very disheveled billionaire burst through.
Peter woke up in a white room with a strong stench of disinfectant. He didn't know where he was. A short woman walked in the room, flipping through papers she had.
"Oh, you're awake." The woman walked over to the machine Peter was hooked up to. She hummed, being pleased with the numbers on the screen, then went back to her papers.
"You passed out after opening your sutures. You lost some blood, and we had to give you new stitches." She pulled a stool out from a desk. "Peter Parker, correct?"
"Yes?" Peter's voice hurt.
"We don't have any record of you coming in for stitches recently, mind telling me what happened?" The nurse sounded upset.
"My throat hurts." He croaked.
"Well, we can talk about the stitches with your guardians later." She huffed. "If you're feeling alright, I can bring them in." She glanced at Peter for conformation, which he gave in the form of a nod.
"I'll be back." She got up and left the room, her shoes squeaking on the vinyl floor.
As Peter waited, he realized he couldn't feel his side, it was numb. Being the stupid teenager he is, he had to see his new stitches. He lifted up his collar to look down his hospital gown. To be honest? The stitches that he got on a stranger's couch looked better.
Being less than pleased with his current state, he decided to look around his hospital room, waiting for the woman to return. He was in a small room with pristine white walls and light grey floors. There were pictures framed on the walls, pictures of people smiling and happy. Peter hoped his stitches would heal quickly, the city needed him. He heard the door open and looked over.
"Peter! Oh thank goodness you're alright!" May rushed over to his bed.
"Ma'am, please be careful." The nurse said from the doorway.
"Yes, yes sorry." May said to the woman. "Peter, how are you feeling?"
"Like I got beat up." He said flatly.
"You two can talk, I'll go get your guest." The nurse said before leaving the room.
"Guest?" Peter looked at May.
"Tony came when he heard." She said to her nephew.
"Mr. Stark came?!" Peter scooted up so he was sitting upright.
"Of course he came, he was worried about you." Peter sat there, wondering why Mr. Stark would worry about him. He was just a dumb teenager who got into a fight.
"Peter? You sure you're alright?" May waved her hand in front of Peter's face.
"Sorry, I guess I zoned out." Peter looked away.
"Knock knock, guest's here." The nurse swung open the door to reveal a slightly panicked Tony Stark. He smiled nervously and quickly walked over to the bed.
"Hey kid, how you holding up?"
"I'm not dead yet." Peter let out a small chuckle.
"Okay, so you have to stay home and not move around much for a week, come back and we'll take a look at how you're healing. You'll be discharged tonight." The nurse read off her clipboard.
"Alright, thank you so much." May said to the woman.
"The call button is on the remote there." The woman smiled before leaving the three in the room. When the door clicked shut, May snapped her head to Peter with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"Peter, enlighten me with the story of how you needed stitches?" She raised her voice on the last word. He knew he was in trouble.
"Well..." He couldn't look at her in the eyes. "I had a bit of difficulty with a monster." He trailed off at the end. "But another hero helped me and offered me a place to stay for the night."
"Uh huh, what's their name?" May was blunt.
"We both agreed we wouldn't share names, for privacy reasons." He didn't know.
"Privacy reasons, huh?"
"Mmhm" Peter was staring to sweat.
"Hey Tony, do you think you can find this hero?" She tuned her face towards the man, but kept her eyes on Peter.
"100%. Already know where he lives." Tony also wants to know about this mystery kid.
"We should go home." It was more of a statement than a suggestion.
Peter will be staying at Stark Tower for the time being, and was under strict rules so he doesn't sneak out again.
"You know anything else about this kid?" Stark said while typing on his laptop.
"Why do you even want to find Stellum?" Peter said from the couch opposite to Stark.
"So his name is Stellum?" Peter accidentally let slip his name. "That makes things easier, just have to google something real quick."
"Mr. Starrrrrrkkkk." Peter whined.
"See ya kid!" Tony grabbed his laptop and jogged out of the room.
"Uuuuughh." Peter groaned, no point in stopping Tony anymore. He reached for his phone on the coffee table and opened the messaging app.
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Peter waited for a minute, but got no answer. He groaned once again and decided to go to sleep. Not wanting to get up, he grabbed a blanket from a nearby armchair and pulled it over him.
"I need sleep."
Peter didn't know Stellum was on patrol and his phone was off.
1032 words.
"Since she was the one who called, and that Peter's emergency contacts hadn't arrived yet, she was talking with the doctors." i dont know how hospitals work