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Sunny quietly sat in their shared apartment bedroom reading a small book. It wasn't a very intense or extraordinary book but it was comforting to read. It was gentle and softly worded which fit him quite a lot. He studied the words on the page comprehending them and making up his own little stories of what he thought. Sunny did it a lot, he liked to daydream. It was one of the things he did most except for sleep, he had four years to do both.

The ebony haired individual glided their fingers against the page to turn it. Suddenly a loud boom was heard from outside making them flinch. He buried his head in the book as a wave of faint nervousness caved over him. Sunny took a deep breath to calm themselves down. He blinked for a couple seconds to regain his thoughts. Soon he went back to scanning through the book in his hushed manner.

Seconds went by as Sunny continued to read, completely getting lost in the book but suddenly got interrupted by another boom of thunder. He let out a small squeak as he, again, covered his face with the book. His body began to gently tremble as sobs began to escape his lips.

Sunny didn't like thunder, it always scared him as a kid. Even to this day, the fear lingers with him. Mari was always there when there was thunder, she would tell him "Everything will be okay! I'm here." every single time and it always reassured him. But, Mari isn't here anymore. Tears rolled down Sunny's face as they carefully closed the book and placed it down on the bed. He brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them, the sobs becoming harsh.


Kel stood in the kitchen, opening the fridge and peering into it trying to find something to eat. It was for him and Sunny, they both shared an apartment together. Kel thought it was a good idea to get Sunny some food.

The brunette grabbed some left over pizza and two cans of Orange Joe, Kel's favorite drink. Kel put the left over pizza on two separate plates, two slices each and walked over to the trash can leaving the empty box on the side. "I should throw out the trash soon.." He mumbled to himself with a small chuckle. Then a loud roar of thunder came from outside making Kel recoil for a couple seconds. He calmed down quickly and laughed at his own fear. "Pff.. It's just thunder, Kel! Don't worry." He said to himself with a huff.

He went back to the kitchen counter and put both of the plates in the microwave, putting in on one minute and thirty seconds to heat up. Kel began to whistle, slightly failing at first but soon getting the hang of it as he waited for the pizza. "I wonder how Sunny is doing.." He muttered to himself with a quiet hum. Then another tumultuous roar of thunder echoed through the house scaring Kel. He didn't like thunder that much but it was bearable.

A small shiver went down his spine as he put on a brave face. He decided he was going to check on Sunny.


Kel plodded out of the kitchen and began walking to Sunny's room. He completely forgot the pizza in the microwave. Grabbing the rooms doorknob, Kel turned it and swung the door open. "Hey Sunshine!" Kel called out loudly. His eyes landed on a frightened and emotional, Sunny.

Immediate worried washed over Kel as he began to panic, "Hey hey-.. Sunny! What's wrong?!.." He asked, rushing over to the bed and carefully sitting on it. The other sobbed, hugging their knees tighter. Kel wasn't the best comforter or best speaker, he was mostly filled with confidence and jokes so things like this were difficult to tackle. "Uh.." Kel hummed, placing his hand on Sunny's back.

In all the years Kel has known Sunny, he hasn't seen the other portray so much emotion. It's been a while. The other was blank most of the time, barely even muttering out a response. But seeing Sunny crying like this.. hurt him.

Sunny raised his head from his knees, his face was a soft vermillion as his tear filled face looked at Kel. "W-..What's wrong?.." Kel whispered out, trying not to be loud. It took the monochromatic individual a couple seconds to process Kel's question, "T.. Thun-.. Thunder.." He fumbled out in a brittle tone.

Kel frowned and thought for a second, "Hey-.. Don't let the dumb thunder bring you down, Sunshine! It's just thunder, it's never gonna hurt you as long as i'm here!" He said confidently with his usual bright smile. Suddenly Sunny's arms wrapped around Kel's chest making the brunettes face warm up. Sunny nuzzled their face gently into Kel's bright orange shirt as his breathing slowly began to calm down from the rapid pace. Kel didn't know how to react to the hug.

A few seconds went by when Kel carefully wrapped his arms around Sunny, resting his chin on the others head not really knowing what to do. "It's gonna be okay." Kel whispered, earning a hum from Sunny.

The two sat there hugging until they both fell asleep in each others arms.

Hey suntan nation :)

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