part 6

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I dressed myself comfortably, in a pair of linen trousers and a loose blouse and my tall boots, tying my hair back out of my face.

Ila kindly accompanied me to the stables, as we walked, she let me rest some of my weight on her by our linked arms.

"Are you sure you are well enough to ride?" she asked as we neared the entrance to the kingdom.

"Yes, I don't think I'll be gone for long." I nodded curtly.

We greeted the guards at the gate to the kingdom and continued on to the vast courtyard that held the stables.

Many of the horses and ponies whinnied in excitement, throwing their heads up and down, some even hopping around happily in their stalls.

I grinned and spotted my white pony, tail end facing her stall gate.

I laughed when she turned around, her forelock sticking every which way.

Holding my pony steady, Ila gently fixed her forelock to be smooth against her forehead.

Just before I mounted, I remembered that I'd left my hair clasp behind.

"I won't be but a moment, I left my clasp in the garden," I said, swiftly making my way there.

As I approached the gate, I heard harsh voices.

She is gifted, you fool. She sees what you cannot.

"My people gave you your tongue, why do you so hastily let it run?" it was Melethron.. could he speak to the trees as well?

You dare tell me how I use my voice, when you do not even try to listen.

I peeked around the wall that held the gate, seeing that it was in fact Melethron, he looked so very angry.

His face was sour, his expression crumpled, eyebrows pinched together above his malicious eyes.

Your people may have given me my tongue, but it is I who taught myself the words, the words of nothing but truth.

"You pathetic weed, filling her head with lies and foolish fantasy, she is but an audience for you to spout nonsense unto." he spat, pursing his lips.

This didn't look good, but I couldn't help but listen further.

Nonsense, elves, the two go hand in hand. If you do not heed her warning we will all lose our tongues.



In a split second, I volleyed the gate, putting myself between the tree and Melethron, who's sword was drawn in the same instant as my back hit the tree.

A few silent seconds passed by before I took a good look at him.

I gasped. He was sprawled on the ground, with a shocked look on his face, he was winded.

" won't hurt my friend." I hissed through clenched jaw, spreading my arms to make myself as wide as possible, putting space between Melethron and the tree.

The shock turned to bewilderment as he stared up at me, I smacked away the hand he reached out.

I snatched his sword out of its landing spot in the lawn and put it in my belt before running back to Ila and my pony.

"Is the.. Melethron coming too?" she asked as I mounted.

I nodded mutely and bid her goodbye, waiting until I was out of eyeshot to put my pony into a gallop.

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