part 1

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Wandering the gardens of Mirkwood brought me calm, the rose garden especially. The sweet, gentle smell on the warm breeze relaxing me.
This was the first place I'd felt free when I arrived here.

One morning, nearly 2 months ago, my aunt had woken me in a hurry:
" Get up! We're going to be late! " my aunt's shrill voice pierced the veil of my sleep.

I swung my legs over the edge of my bed, hearing her hurriedly packing my things. I hadn't a clue where we were going.

" At least brush your hair, Lily! " she called.

I fumbled for my hairbrush but my fingers met a bare nightstand...

" Where is it? Mothers brush? " I asked.

I hadn't had a chance to register what she was doing before she was brushing and putting my hair up for me.

" Ditzy girl, you're forever losing things. Now, on with your good dress, or do I have to dress you as well? " she said, placing her hands on her hips. Somehow managing to look intimidating at 5 feet tall.

I dressed myself quickly, per my aunt's request, making my bed as I went.

I followed her from our cottage to see a wagon stacked high with our furniture and belongings.

" I... " I began but my aunty hustled me towards the wagon before I could say anything.

A little ways into the bumpy trip, I began to regret offering to ride in the back beside our things, since there was only one space beside the wagon driver which my aunt was almost too keen on having.

I eyed a sack of books, seeing if I could find a title that I might enjoy.

I thumbed through an old copy of a story book my mother had left for me, as I read, I was reminded of the fairy stories my mother would give me.

Time rolled by as the steady bumps an rocks of the wagon slowly sent me to sleep.

I had figured we'd arrived at our still undivulged destination when the carriage pulled to an abrupt stop.

I heard muttering and heard my aunt get down from her seat beside the driver.

" Lily! " she sang, rounding the wagon.

" Where are we, aunty?" I asked, stretching my cramped back.

" All will become clear soon, " she said.

I looked over her shoulder and saw two lines of Elven guards, pristine and synchronised.

" Aunty.."

" Hush now, we've got alot to do!" she chimed happily.
I remembered how confused I was when I'd seen the lines of soldiers behind our wagon. How I hopelessly wondered where on earth we were.
And how my aunt wasn't keen to give me any answers.
My aunt had been adamant that I spend the day in what was now my bedroom. She had told me we had moved from our cottage to elven lands to escape the brutal winters. But who would allow that? Elves were terribly territorial.

Evening came swiftly and I'd thumbed over my poor book so many times the pages had become dog-eared.

A knock came at the door, making me jump.

I crossed the room swiftly, opening the door.

A small troupe of elves were on the other side with boxes holding all of my things.

" Oh! Thank you, come in," I said, standing aside.

They entered the room silently, placing the boxes around the room before leaving in almost eerie quiet.

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