part 4

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As I entered the room on his arm, I felt something prodding my leg as we walked. I glanced down and saw a glinting sword, long, slim and intimidatingly sharp.

"You'll be sat with the king right here," Melethron said, sliding his arm from mine, "but I'll be taking his place for now"

I had attended lessons on etiquette and holding myself "more like a noble lady" when I was very young but I never thought I'd ever have to apply them. My mind was clouded with what would happen after the wedding. Despite what Melethron had said when we danced, I still wondered. Would he be attentive? Would he be distant? Was he marrying me simply for rights to more land and more people?

I sighed through my nose as I haplessly wished I was marrying Melethron instead. His smile, his hair, the way he looked at me. Made me feel absolutely divine. I'd swap anything if it was him I was to marry. I tried my best not to fidget in my seat, wary of the crown perched atop my head.

The room began to fill with elves, all of whom threw cautious glances at me and the empty chair to my right. I realised if I was to be Queen I would have to look the part. I gently dropped my shoulders and raised my chin to sit up straight and I took a deep breath. It could be a whole lot worse. I wondered if Ila was near, I carefully looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

The table was laid for a magnificent feast but, due to the nature of this being a rehearsal, no foods were actually being served. I scanned the room for Ila but I came to recognise a few other servants from the kitchen as they gracefully glided around the floor with trays as they laid the magnificent tables with candle holders and fine cutlery and goblets.

Inconsequential polite conversation flowed hand in hand with wine and canapes as dinner was served. I noticed that Melethron was walking around, speaking with others, who I assumed to be his friends, but I then realised they had been royal guards.

It made me wonder what position he held in the royal court that gave him the authority to give orders. Maybe captain of the guard? Military officer? Whichever he was, he had left the banquet hall with the guards to do who knows what.

I sat back in my chair, relaxing slightly, taking a deep breath and smelling the fragrant rose garden, that lay just outside the wide open floor to ceiling windows below the balcony.

Nobody was paying any particular attention to me for once, so I rose and walked towards the open windows. The music that was playing swayed gentle as the balmy breeze wafting in from outside.

As I stepped on to the balcony, the atmosphere seemed to slip away from around me, as if I had stepped into a completely different universe. I suppose I was in a sense. So far from home, where I'd been raised and where I'd played as a young girl. With mother.

I smiled sadly, fondly thinking of mother. The way she smelled, the way her delicate curls looked more like Auntie's than they did mine. According to whom, I get my looks from my father.

I didn't notice everything go quiet when Melethron re-entered the banquet hall, as I was too busy (literally) smelling the flowers. The night air was comfortably cool against my skin, calming me some.

I heard someone approach me from behind.

"Nin meld," his voice caused goosepimples to run up and down my arms. Sindarin - My dear,

"Yes?" I turned to see Melethron, bowed low to the ground.

It was then I realised he had closed the tall glass doors behind him as he had exited the banquet hall. To prevent eavesdropping perhaps?

"Good evening," I smiled at him as he stood up straight.

"Good evening my dear," his gentle smile mirrored my own. I noticed though, his eyes didn't stay in contact with my own.

He stood back, admiring the fine dress I was wearing.

"If I may be so bold, you look absolutely divine." he said, taking my hand and gently turning me under his arm.

"Thankyou, I was just about to come back inside, I came outside to look at the roses, they're my favourite flower." I smiled.

"I see," he smiled "I came to ask how you,"

He was interrupted by a sounding of horns.

"No.. how?!" he asked incredulously.

Panic set in across his features, inside people were looking just as shocked.

"What's going on?" I asked, starting to panic.

He swallowed: "Orcs."

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