part 2

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" I am flattered, hiril vuin, shall we go to the wedding organisers and see what choices have to be made? You may feel a little more in control then." Melethron stood up and offered me a hand.

I pulled myself up, feeling a little better now I had a plan.

I never noticed Melethron leave, but I did notice how I felt when he was gone.

After dinner, I was to see the wedding organisers and talk about the aesthetic arrangement of the wedding, where in the kingdom it would be.

Ila helped me clean up and dress myself.

I decided to dress in another one of my gifts, an off-the-shoulder blue gown with mesh sleeves, decorated with dark blue applique flowers.

I was astounded by my reflection, running my hands over the bodice of the dress and down through the skirts that flowed like a river right down to the ground.

Brushing my hair gently, Ila braided it in an intricate Elvish style, two strands hanging in front of my ears.

Ila opened up a small wooden box and had me look to the front; I watched my reflection once more as she nestled a finely detailed opal tiara on top of my hair. I marvelled at the way it shimmered in the early evening sun.

" Have you made any headway as to who your suitor is my lady?" Ila asked, adjusting the folds of my gown after I had stood up.

" Yes. I understand now why it was all so secretive." I said.

Ila nodded, urging me on.

" Ila," I whispered, she nodded more vigorously.

I wanted to spare her the stress and worry.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you." I held her hands and squeezed them.

"But know this, I will always be here. I will not leave this, or you, alone. " I said, pulling her to me, hugging her tightly.

" Will you attend the wedding? " I asked, smoothing her hair down as I felt a tear drop on my shoulder.

Ila looked up at me and nodded, wiping her cheeks. As she had done for me when my aunty had departed, I gave her a handkerchief.

After that, we decided to make a mockery of the way I was dressed.

" Will the fair lady be taking her cloak on this fine midsummers eve?" Ila tried her best not to laugh at me as I pranced in a very regal fashion, looking down my nose at her.

Holding the garment aloft, I sneered at it: " I suppose I must, can't keep my suitor waiting!" I made eye contact with Ila, trying to hold a straight face.

We burst out cackling, I was nearly on the floor before a knock came at my bedroom door.

Ila helped me drape the cloak around me, before she opened the door, still playing the game we'd started.

I turned to see a small troupe of elves at my door, all dressed in silver robes, hair all swept back.

" Hiril vuin, Lilui, ke tuluva? llë hilya met, veryanwë cáno. " the one at the front asked.
(My fair lady, Lily, Will you come with us? You are to see the wedding council.)

I looked between him and Ila, wanting to play still.

I eyed him up and down before turning my head away.

" Hiril vuin, rían le?" he said, his eyebrows nearly meeting in the middle.
(My lady, have I angered you?)

Ila looked solemnly between us both before motioning for the man to stand back, before closing the door in his face.

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