part 9

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Night had fallen during my journey deep into the forest, or the canopy of trees was just so thick I couldn't see the sky.

The forest river I walked past was keeper of deepest poetry, whispering sweet notes in cascading strings down the rocks it had shaped over years of running here.

Ila came to my side and gave me a lit pillar candle for the ceremony.

The candlelight permitted my eyes to both see and rest, the perfect bridge between the world of the awake and the world of dreams.

I was lead to the foot of an old tree, centuries, maybe even millennia old. Its gnarled roots and twisted grain had been utilised to hold a gazebo, in the gaps made by the roots tearing up the earth.

The rushing water under the bridge calmed me somewhat, watching it bubble and swirl into soft piles of foam that were eventually washed away.

The ceremonial elder took my candle and guided me up the steps by my elbow, leaning in to whisper something to me.

"The king shall arrive soon, are you feeling alright?"

I paused for a moment then nodded. Trying to remain calm seemed a frivolous endeavour, but I just took in my surroundings. Staring off into the distance, I didn't even notice that my bouquet of flowers was growing around my hands. With every thump of my heart against my ribcage, a new bloom sprouted and opened. Vines and tangling leaves had reached the ground by the time I'd noticed.

I looked down to find that I could no longer see my hands for the small shrub I'd grown between them. Maybe nobody would notice? I shuddered as a chill ran up my spine, hopefully the clear weather would hold.

My ears pricked at the sound of thundering hooves in the distance. As I chewed the inside of my cheek, a heavy, nervous blush washed over me. All my doubts and questions started swimming to the front of my mind.

"Quiet your mind, dear girl. All is well."

Oh great, as if one all-knowing tree wasn't enough. The rumbling of hooves was closer still.

It hadn't quite dawned on me that the heavy thundering of horses footfall wasn't an omen of evil or harm. The horses I could hear would be delivering my husband to me.

I took a deep breath as I saw the horses cross the horizon, their riders carrying banners emblazoned with the elves royal crest and motto.

Never falter, never fear.

~ 3rd Person

Thranduil saw her standing there at the altar. All alone. It made his heart ache for her, for his secret. How would she react? They'd grown close in her time in the palace, but would she ever forgive him for keeping this weighty sort of information from her?

Only time would tell.

She was worth all the time in the world, she was the new definition of divine. When glaciers burn and the sun goes cold is when Thranduil will finally be satiated by her love. He had already fallen for her. Ever since he had found her books in the rose garden those many months ago.

He was flanked by guards as always, as he approached the altar, the ceremonial elder standing as well.

Lily's eyeline faltered, she stopped staring off into the horizon, caught off guard by the King's arrival.

~ Lily's POV

'be still my beating heart please. don't disgrace me.'

I noticed a great deal of movement out of the corner of my eye, glancing towards it my heart leapt into my throat. It was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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