part 8

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My mind was racing as I tried in vain to sleep. But then I was awoken by a sharp rapping on my bedroom door.
Oh yes. The preparations had to begin as soon as the date was announced.

It would be cutting it a bit close but I imagined everything should go over somewhat smoothly.

I opened the door to see a horde of women that reached beyond my line of sight.

The preparations for my wedding were tedious to say the least. Even though I had witnessed them almost a hundred times back home.

First of all, I had to remain silent until I was married. For my next words had to be to my husband and no other, lest the marriage be shone in ill fate.

The throng of handmaidens were gently combing out my hair and drying it with lengths of raw silk to help it shine, and pearl combs to keep it smooth.

I was sat on my knees in the centre of my bedroom, ladies and girls surrounding me to help prep and preen me for tomorrow's evening.

Delicate silver tools were taken to my eyebrows, plucking unruly hairs and strays on my chin as well. Whilst this went on, oils and serums were applied to my hair at the roots and massaged, their fragrant aromas filling the air.

My windows were opened so that a draft might pass through to keep us all cool, after all there were roughly 30-50 maids crowded into one space.

I took this time to try and get into a better headspace, putting into perspective the things I would have to prioritize once I was married to the Elven king.

I was shed of my robe and simple bedclothes, stood bare before a washbasin of steaming water and a determined looking young woman.

My hair was twisted out of her way as she got to work, exfoliating, scrubbing, bubbles in the air happily floating as the soapy water was disturbed again, my hands and nails were inspected, before being set upon by another set of small silver tools that clipped, buffed and filed before being deemed appropriate.

My hands were placed in my lap, and my feet were taken next when the door opened to reveal the ceremonial elder, her face hidden by a shroud.

She was carrying several pots of pigment and candles and books that looked absolutely ancient and beaten in appearances.

I was still naked, hair floating down past my bottom with one foot in the lap of a woman opposite me who was washing it with her hair, dipping it into a milky white liquid before setting in about my foot.

"Hiril vuin, are you prepared to take your last vows? And prepare your mind and body for what is to come?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

"Very good, ladies, if you will please light the way to the ceremonial halls, we may begin." the elder said.

The palace was warm, thankfully, as I was still naked, but oddly enough, not ashamed.

I felt free, and content. And safer knowing it was nighttime, and not many people would see me anyway. But they would be forbidden to anyway, unless they were a woman or a child. Another tradition of my people.

We walked, a glowing procession of lanterns on long canes lit our way as we travelled through the kingdom.

Chanting begun amongst the women guiding me, it must be midnight.

"Hold your gaze at the courtyard, the queen is coming."

The chanting was supposed to welcome me into the dawn of my wedding, presenting me as a heavenly being before the Valar.

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