The First of Many Murders

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It had been a few weeks since you had joined the force. You had gotten along with everyone. Since you were Hoffman's new partner, you were assigned to help with with anything he was assigned to, which you were happy about. Though you weren't exactly sure if Hoffman was happy about the arrangement. 

You couldn't help but notice how strange Hoffman was. Not in a bad way, but in a weirdly suspicious way. You didn't want to get into his business though. You didn't think he was suspicious enough to be doing anything illegal.

Suddenly, a report had come in. There were screams heard in an abandoned warehouse not too far away. You quickly went over to accompany them. Hoffman looked over at you, who was also going.

"Follow my lead." He said to you. You nodded. As you got into the car with Hoffman and drove away, you were nervous. Finally, you were on your first case. You noticed he kept giving you short glances. When you noticed, he would quickly glance away and look back that the road.

"What is this all about, Hoffman? Are we just investigating the building?" You asked.

"Yeah. But I don't doubt that this might be attached to the Jigsaw case." Hoffman replied.

"Jigsaw case?"

"The Jigsaw murders have been going on for a while before you came around. People being murdered in traps. Some survive and some don't. And when they don't, they're usually dead in some of the most brutal ways." He explained.

You gave a low hum, showing interest in his words.

"I'm sure it's a lot of pressure. But we have to do what we have to do. Protect the people." You said. He nodded in agreement. He obviously wasn't in the mood for small talk, so silence took the car once again.

When you arrived at the abandoned warehouse, the SWAT team went in first, making sure the place was clear. You and Hoffman slowly followed. After looking around for a bit, you all found a chain link door.

"Get eyes in there before you go in." Hoffman ordered. Moments later, a tactical robot was sent into a hole they made in the door. The suspense was rising as you, Rigg, and Hoffman watched the camera, with Hoffman still giving you a small glance or two from time to time.

It didn't take long for the robot to find something. As the camera was being lifted up, a body started slowly being revealed, which made your eyes widen. Hoffman got a bit closer to the camera. A face was then finally uncovered.

"Kerry!" You heard Rigg yell and run to the door, going down the steps.

"Goddammit Rigg, no!" Hoffman yelled and ran after. You did too, following behind. The whole time, Rigg called out to Kerry, hoping to help her. By the time you and Hoffman caught up with him, he was already in distraught with what he was witnessing. He was on the floor, silently crying into his hands.

It truly was a gruesome sight.

It was Detective Kelly, another detective down at the station who had went missing the night before. You put your hands over your mouth, almost about ready to puke. Somehow you had contained it and stood up straight. You ran over to Rigg, helping him up and sitting him down as he still wept.

"It's alright, Rigg. If we had gotten here sooner, we could have saved her. I'm so sorry..." You said, trying to comfort him. He sniffled and nodded.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Can you cut her down?" He asked an officer standing next to you two.

"I don't think I can do that." He answered. Rigg put his hand on the officers shoulder.

"...please?" Rigg said in desperation. The officer didn't answer and instead walked away. Hoffman came over.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He asked Rigg. Rigg was silent as you patted his back.

"You know never to go through an unsecured door ever." Hoffman chastised him. You got up.

"Give him a break, Hoffman. He lost a friend, what do you expect?" You asked. Hoffman stared at you.

"I thought she was still alive and thought we could save her." Rigg replied before Hoffman could say anything to you.

"Did you ever think that we would've end up here when we first started?" Rigg asked. Hoffman glanced over at Kerry's body.

"No." Hoffman simply replied, starting to walk away.

"I didn't see it happening like this." Hoffman then said, looking at Kerry's body closer now.

"Why the hell do we still do it?" He asked.

"It's in our nature to save them. It's what we do." Rigg responded.

"Right..." Hoffman said.

Moments later, Special Agents Peter Strahm and Lindsay Perez arrived to help out the scene. Hoffman watched as you did your job. He could tell you were trying to piece the pieces together.

You could potentially be a problem to him.

I Trust You / Mark Hoffman X Reader (Contains lemons)Where stories live. Discover now