The Mystery Continues

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It was early morning when you got a phone call. You groaned as you reached for the sidetable where your phone laid. You sighed and looked at who was calling. It was Hoffman. You took the call and held it up to your ear. 

"Hello...?" You said, still tired. 

"(Y/N)? Sorry to wake you." Hoffman said on the other line. Maybe you were still tired, but you couldn't help but notice how nice his voice was. You didn't know what it was about it, but it felt nice just listening to him.

"No, it's alright, Hoffman. What's up?" You asked. 

"I just got a call. It seems to be another Jigsaw trap." He said. 

"What? But I thought the Jigsaw murders were over?" You asked.

"I don't know what to tell you. We just need to get there as soon as possible. Just be ready when I get there. I'm picking you up." He said. You opened your mouth to protest, but he immediately hung up as soon as you did. You grumbled and got out of bed, getting some fresh clothes on and getting ready. Thankfully, he arrived just when you got done. 

The car ride was silent. You looked over at him while he was driving. His eyes were on the road, but you could tell he was thinking. You didn't know what, but he was thinking about something. To be fair, you were thinking too. Strahm's suspicions were right. There was another accomplice. You didn't know who, but you wanted to do everything to help.

When you arrived at the scene, it was a gruesome sight. A man who had cut off body fat from his stomach. It made you cringe a bit.

"What's going on?" Hoffman asked another female cop.

"The Feds who took over the crime scene are requesting you ASAP." She said. Hoffman looked over at you and you looked at him. You didn't know if you were supposed to follow him. He thought for a moment, then gestured you to follow him. You nodded and walked with him to Special Agent Erickson.

"Erickson. I didn't know you ever made it out from behind the desk." Hoffman said.

"I make exceptions when fingerprints are found at a Jigsaw murder scene. Have a look." Erickson replied. Hoffman kneeled down as Erickson held a UV light over the mans eyelids. This revealed two fingerprints.

"Have they been ID'd yet?" Hoffman asked, standing up again. 

"Yeah. They're Agent Strahm's. When I learned that he and Perez were being targeted by Jigsaw, I should have been more aware. But I didn't see this coming. Not from Peter Strahm." Erickson said, turning his head, still somewhat in disbelief. 

"Wait, Agent Strahm?" You said, confused.

"Your partner doesn't know about what happened last night?" Erickson asked Hoffman. You looked over at Hoffman.

"It all happened after she went home. I didn't have time to tell her since we were on Strahm's tail." Hoffman replied. 

"So Strahm is behind this? What else are you not telling me?" You asked, a little aggravated that Hoffman never told you any of this. You were his partner. Whatever he knew, you should have known as well. 

"Look, it was a shock to all of us. We'll talk about it later." Hoffman replied rather harshly. 

"Yeah. But we have something he doesn't know about. You want to follow me?" Erickson asked. You and Hoffman followed Erickson to the other end of the room. 

"Lindsey?" Erickson asked. A woman turned around to face the three of you. It was Agent Perez. You and Hoffman were dumbfounded.

"Detective Hoffman. Detective (L/N)." She greeted. 

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