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You heard your phone ring. Your eyes were blurry as you looked up from your pillow to glare at the phone. You picked up your phone and tried to sound as if you had been awake the past few hours. 

"Hello?" You answered.

"Detective (L/N)? This is Detective Fisk. We need you at the Gideon Meatpacking Plant. Now." Detective Fisk said. Your eyes widened. Something serious must have happened. 

"I'm on my way." You said without hesitation. You then hung up and quickly got out of bed. You grabbed your phone and your gun and practically ran out of your apartment. When you got outside, it was still sprinkling, but that this point, you didn't care. You had so much adrenaline, running to where you needed to be. While you ran, you thought of why Fisk called you instead of Hoffman. 

"Goddammit, Hoffman... please be okay..." You said to yourself as you ran. You had never ran so fast for anything. 

You didn't know the city well, but thankfully, you had your phone on you, so you could find directions. You also got a glance at the time. 

2 AM.

As soon as you spotted the police lights, you knew you were there. You were immediately spotted by Fisk, who walked over to you as you stopped and panted.

"You could have just said you needed a ride. I could have brought you here." He said. You looked up.

"Where's Hoffman??" You asked.

"We believe he may be inside. We tried calling him, but he never picked up. We only came because Special Agent Strahm called us for backup. We believe he's inside right now. All we can do is wait." Fisk explained.

"So we aren't going in? We can't just walk in like Strahm did and find Hoffman and the other possible victims in there?! This is our chance of finding John Kramer's accomplice!" You said.

"No. It could be booby trapped. We don't want to put any more lives in danger, (L/N). Knowing John Kramer, he'd be prepared for this sort of thing. Besides, Strahm said that there may be a second accomplice as well." Fisk explained. You looked over at the building, worried. You hoped that Hoffman was in that building. If he wasn't, who knows where he was? You stared at the door, ready for almost anything to come out at any time.

"Hoffman, please be alright..." You whispered to yourself. Almost moments after you said that, the door to the facility opened to reveal Hoffman carrying a little girl out of the building. You and Fisk ran over to him as he stumbled down the steps. One of the police officers took the little girl from him. You heard the little girl asking where her mommy and daddy were, which made you tear up a bit.

"Hoffman! Are you alright?" You asked in a panic. Hoffman breathed a bit heavily.

"Yeah, I'm alright..." He said. 

"You ok to walk?" Fisk asked. Hoffman nodded in response. 

"What the hell happened? Where's Rigg?" Fisk asked.

"I tried to help... He didn't make it. Nobody did." Hoffman said. 

You sighed in disappointment.

"Nobody but Hoffman made it? Not even Strahm?" You thought to yourself.

"We got a live one!" Said a nurse behind you. You whipped your head around to see them carrying Strahm on a medical bed. You were surprised and immediately walked with them to see Strahm. He was passed out, but his throat wasn't in good shape.

"Holy shit, Strahm..."You whispered to yourself as they put him in the ambulance. You look back to see Fisk just as surprised as you are. But what caught you off guard was Hoffman. He was staring back at the ambulance like he was annoyed or angry at something. His eyes then met yours as the ambulance started to drive off. It was like he was staring into your soul or if he was a predator staring down his prey. You tried to figure out what he was thinking from the way he was looking at you, but you couldn't.

Finally, Fisk put his hand on Hoffman's shoulder, making him look over at Fisk.

"Well, let's get you guys back home. You sure you're alright, Hoffman?" Fisk asked. Hoffman nodded. Fisk walked over to his car. You walked next to Hoffman, following Fisk. He was quiet. You couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

You sat in the backseat as Hoffman got into the passenger seat of the car. Fisk was already in the drivers seat, ready to take off when you two were ready. Once Fisk drove away, they decided to drop you off first, since you were closer.

"I'm very impressed with your partner, Mark." Fisk said suddenly. You looked up at them from the backseat.

"Why's that?" Mark asked.

"She was quick to getting here and seemed determined to see what was going on. Though she wanted to go in as Strahm did." Fisk said. You heard Hoffman grunt. You were expecting him to maybe chastise you for wanting to go in and act all hero and save him or anyone else inside. But instead, he didn't seem bothered from what you saw.

"Just don't make the same mistake Rigg did, (L/N). Strahm made that mistake, and look what happened to him." He said simply.

You sat there in silence as they brought you back to your apartment. You silently got out of the car and waved them goodbye. Fisk was nice enough to wave back, but Hoffman just stared at you. You still had no idea what he was thinking.

I Trust You / Mark Hoffman X Reader (Contains lemons)Where stories live. Discover now