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Late October 1996

It was Sunday night and I was over at Casey's house. We were going to watch a couple of movies tonight. She had called me last minute since Steve blew her off. "So, how are things with Billy?" Casey asked as we walked into the house. "Things are great," I told her walking into the kitchen. "So why aren't you with him tonight?" She asked. "Because not even I can come between the bromance that my bro and Billy have," I said laughing.

Casey put the movies on the kitchen island and we walked into the living room. Casey turned the T.V. on and the screen turned blue. Then she turned around to go back into the kitchen.


"Hey, can you get that?" She asked and I nodded. I walked over to the coffee table and pick the phone up. I put the receiver to my ear holding onto the cord.

"Hello?" I said. It was silent for a few seconds before a deep voice spoke.

"Hello?" He said.

"Yes?" I answered. Silence again.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Who are you trying to reach?"

"What number is this?"

"What number are you trying to reach?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"I think you have the wrong number."

"Do I?" He asked.

"It happens take it easy," I told him and hung the phone up.

**Billy's pov**

Stu and I were outside of Casey Becker's house. We were planning on killing her. It would be almost a year since we killed Sidney's mother so we decided why not kill Sidney too and along the way a couple more. Stu wanted to kill Casey for breaking up with him for Steve Orth then unaided we should kill him too. I took the phone and voice modulator and called Casey's house.

"Hello?" A voice spoke an all too familiar voice and I froze. Y/N was here. She said she was staying in tonight. After she hung up the phone I looked at Stu. "Why the fuck is y/n here?" I hissed. "What? She said she was staying in tonight?" He said. "Well, she didn't. And we can't just turn back we have to do this tonight. And we make sure nothing happens to y/n But we still have to scare her," I said. "What? I can't scare her like this, man. She's my sister!" Stu whispered. "Just stick to the plan. I'll take care of y/n," I told him and dialed the house again.

**Y/N pov**

After hanging the phone up I turned to walk out of the living room and to the kitchen but the phone rang again. I sighed and walked back over and picked it up.


"I'm sorry. I guess I failed the wrong number."

"So, why'd you dial it again?" I asked.

"To apologize," he said.

"You're forgiven. By now."

"Wait, wait, don't hang up," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I wanna talk to you for a second," he said.

I scoffed a little "they've got 900- numbers for that. See ya," I told him and hung up. I walked into the kitchen where Casey was putting a thing of Jiffy Pop on the stove. "Who was it?" She asked. I shrugged "I don't know. Wrong number I guess," I told her and leaned on the kitchen island. The portable phone in front of me rang. I picked it up and held it to my ear as Casey turned around.

"Hello?" I said.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?"

I looked at Casey and she gave me a questioning look. I mouthed to her that it was the same guy. "Who is this?" I asked. Casey pointed to the salt shaker so I walked around the island and picked it up. "You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine," he said.

I laughed and handed the salt to Casey then leaned back against the island. "I don't think so," I said. Casey shook the Jiffy Pop tin and it made a loud rattling noise. "What's that noise?"


"You're making popcorn?"

"Uh-huh. Well, my friend is."

"I only eat popcorn at the movies." He said.

I laughed at that thinking about Billy and how he always refuses to eat popcorn when I make it. "Well, we're getting ready to watch a video," I told him.

"Really? What?" He asked.

"Just some scary movie," I said and Casey leaned her elbows on the counter beside me. "You like scary movies, babygirl?" He asked. I scrunched up my face at the nickname. The only person inlet gets away with calling me that was Billy. "Uh-huh," I said.

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"I don't know," I said.

"You have to have a favorite. What comes to mind, babygirl?"

I sighed and thought about it. I looked at Casey who had leaned closer and heard the question. She mouthed a movie to me and I nodded. "Halloween. You know, the one with the guy on the white mask who walks around and stalks a baby-sister," I said.


"What's yours?" I asked.


"Um. Nightmare on Elm Street?" I said as I followed Casey into the living room.

"Is that one where the guy had knives for fingers?"

"Yeah, Freddy Krueger."

"Freddy, that's right. I liked that movie. It was scary."

Casey locked the door as we went past. "Well, the first one was, but the rest sucked," I said.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"

I laughed "um... Yes. Yes, I do," I said.

"Does your friend have a boyfriend?"

"Does my friend have a boyfriend? Why? You wanna ask her out on a date?" I asked. Casey mouth to say she didn't.

"Maybe. Does she have a boyfriend?"

"No," I said.

"You never told your name."

"Why do you want to. know my name?" I asked.

"Cause I wanna know who I'm looking at,"

I froze and looked up at Casey. "What did you say?"

"I wanna know who I'm talking to," he said.

"That's not what you said," I said and I nodded my head for Casey to turn the patio lights on. I walked over to her and we looked outside. "What?" The man asked. I didn't say anything as I looked out into the night. "Hello?" He said. "Look, I gotta go," I said. I backed away from the patio doors and Casey turned the lights off.

"Wait! I thought me and your friend were gonna go out?" The guy said. "Uh, Nah, I don't think so," I said and locked the door. I pulled the phone away from my ear when he spoke again but in a more aggressive manner. "Don't hang up on me!" He said but I clicked the off button.

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