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"What happened," asked. I had been crying and trying to figure out how we could get out of here. "Billy," I whispered. "What about Billy?" She asked. "He's-- he's de--dead," I cried. "Oh, my god," she whispered and hugged me. There was a banging on the door." shit. How do we get out of here?" She asked. I pulled her while I ran over to the window. "Help us, somebody! Help us!" Sidney yelled when we saw the new van parked outside. The killer got the door open partway and I ran over to another window. "Help me!" I said. We pushed up on the window until it opened. "Go! Go!" I said pushing Sidney put the window and onto the roof. I climbed out with her and we held onto the window sill so we didn't fall. Sidney yelled for help until someone grabbed her wrist. She struggled with the killer before he let go and she fell. "Sid!" I yelled. I lost my grip and started falling but the killer grabbed my wrist trying to keep me from falling. "No!" I yelled and struggled to get free.

I eventually got free from his grasp and fell landing on the covered boat below. Me and Sidney voth rolled off the boat and stood up. When we looked up we both screamed. Tatum was hanging from the garage door. It looked like she tried crawling through the car door and for stuck. The killer must have hit the button for the door to go up killing her. Sidney grabbed my arm and we ran. We ran through the yard and under the volleyball net. Sidney was telling for someone to help us. We got to the fence and I busted out some of the boards so we could crawl through. We ran to the van and started pounding on the door scaring the guy inside. "Let us in! Let us in!" We both yelled. We climbed into the van. "The killer's coming after us! He's in the house!" Sidney told him and I closed the door shut.

"There's a camera in the house. Look," he said pointing to a screen. We turned and looked at the screen to see Ranching laying on the couch yelling for the person in the movie to turn around. Then the killer showed up behind Randy. "Oh, shit," the guy said. "Oh, my god," me and Sidney said. The guy opened the van door but stopped. "Shit," he said. "What?" We asked. He turned around to look back at the screen. "We're on a 30-second delay," he told us. He turned around only to have his throat slashed. The killer stood to behind him as he turned to look at us. "The... door," he said pointing to the small back door. Sidney went to close the sliding door and the killer stabbed her shoulder. We crawled to the tiny little opening in the back of the van. And crawled through.

Sidney went first and fell out of the open back doors. As I was crawling out I felt a hand clap around my ankle. I screamed and kicked my leg back making the hand let go and hearing a loud grunt. Once I was out we both ran down towards the old barn and back around. We came out to the driveway and waved our arms seeing the news van heading towards us. We had to move out of the way as the van swerved around us. We ran back up the driveway and saw Dewey's car. "Dewey!" Sidney yelled. We made our way towards the front door as it opened and Dewey stood there. "Sidney. Y/N," he said walking put it on the door. But then stumbled and fell. We stopped when we saw the knife in his back then the killer stood in the doorway.

"Go, go, Go! I yelled and we turned around running to Dewey's car. Sidney got into the passenger seat while I ran around and got in the driver's seat and locked the door. Sidney leaned back and locked the back doors plus her door. I was looking around for the keys. I check the sun visor only to slam it back up. "Where are the fucking keys?!" I screamed. The was a tapping on my window and we both jumped. I looked over to see Ghostface looking in at us. He lifted his hand and dangled the keys swinging them back and forth. I looked up at him and lifted my hand giving him the finger. "Fuck you, asshole!" I yelled.

"We have to go. Now, Sidney!" I yelled when he disappeared. She unlocked the door and fell out. I crawled over the seat only to be pulled back. I screamed and swung my fist back hitting the killer in the face making him lose his grip. I fell out of the car and Sidney helped me up and we ran towards the house. I looked behind us and stopped. "Wait, Sid, where'd he go?" I asked. We looked around but didn't see him anywhere. We were both scared and covered in blood. "Y/N! Sidney!" We heard. Sidney ran up the steps to where Dewey was and pulled his gun. "Sidney. Y/N. Jesus, we've got to get the fuck out of here!" It was Randy. He was limping towards us.

"Stop right there!" Sidney said pointing the gun at him. "Don't shoot. It's me! I found Tatum. She's dead. I think Stu did it," he said. I saw Stu come to a stop in from of the fence. "Y/N! Don't listen to him!" He said. "Stay back!" Sidney yelled. "Stu!" I yelled and went to go run towards him but Sidney stopped me. "Sidney, let go!" I yelled. "Stu did it!" Randy said. "He killed Billy. He killed my Tatum. You did it!" Stu said.

Billy. I had completely forgotten about Billy while trying to get away. I felt my heart pounding in my ears. My cheat tightens and my breathing picked up. "Billy," I whispered. "You killed my Tatum!" Stu yelled pulling Randy to the ground. Sidney grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the open door. "No, I didn't! You lie!" Randy said. Stu walked up the steps "Y/N, you gotta believe me," Stu said. The two boys were talking over each other and I could bother to listen to what they were saying. Sidney pulled me inside and slammed the door shut. They both started banging on the door.

I slide down the door and started crying. "Go away!" Sidney yelled. We heard grunts and I quickly stood up. I looked up the steps to Billy coming out of the door at the top of the stairs. "Y/N/N," he grunted out. I stood there in complete shock bot being able to say anything. "Billy," Sidney said. He ended up falling down the stairs which knocked me out of the state I was in. "Billy! Oh, my god!" I cried running over to him. I helped him up and he stumbled towards the door. "We gotta get help," he said. "No. He's out there," Sidney said. "No, give me the gun. Give me the gun. It's okay," Billy told her reaching for the gun.

Once he had the gun in his hands he wrapped his arms around me. "I thought you were dead," I whispered into his blood-covered shirt. "I'm sorry. It's okay. I'm okay," he said. He unlocked the door while still holding onto me. When he opened it Randy ran inside. "Please help me," he said. Billy closed the door and kept his arm around me keeping me close to him. "Stu's flipped put! He's gone mad!" Randy said.

Billy's arm tightens around me and slowly turned to look at Randy. "We all go a little mad sometimes," he whispered and I stiffened. I looked up at him and he raised the gun towards Randy. "No, Billy!" Sidney and I both said trying to stop him but he pulled the trigger. I heard Randy scream and turned to see him fly backward. Sidney ran over to him and I went to do the same but Billy tightened his arms around me. I tried getting out of his grip but he was much stronger than me. He stretched his head with the gun. "Anthony Perkins, Psycho," he said. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

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