Chapter 1

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this is my first time writing on wattpad. I only just started this story a day ago and im having my friend tell me if its any good. I dont know if it is or not. But I think that she thinks it is. So please cut me some slack :) It would be much appreciated to know all of your thoughts. 

Flash back:

          As she lay on her mother's bed waiting she looked at the breathtakingly gorgeous moon. Never in her young life had she been so scared. Never had she thought she would be taken away from her mother. The worst part was that she didn't know what to do and why they were taking her away.

"Why mommy?" she asked.

"I don't know why baby. I don't know why their taking you away from me. But I will get you back I promise, don't worry." She lied. She knew exactly why they were taking her away.

End of flashback

Chapter 1


My name is Willow; Willow Reeves. I am 17 years old and I have been in foster care since I was five. Of course the one thing my mother ever promised me, she never fulfilled. That of course only made it harder for me to believe someone when they said "I promise". Everyone that has ever fostered me knew to not say those to deadly words. I have been made stronger since my mom left me and I no longer believe in love but I have a feeling that all of that will change when I leave. I have a terrible feeling that It will but I don't want to believe that it will.

"Miss Charlotte?"

"Yes my dear" her British voice said.

"When will I be leaving to my new foster home?" I asked with little interest. I mean when you go to about 10 different homes every year since you were about five, you'd be uninterested to ok?

"Well maybe in a couple days they will be here to pick you up. But to tell you the truth I don't know deary."

"Well I wish people weren't so damn heartless and wouldn't stick me back in here anymore." I announced moodily.

"Don't we all dear? Don't we all."

As she said that the doorbell rang and my foster sister Stephanie bounced up to the door and opened it with a smile and called for Miss Charlotte. Well up to my room for now. I could care less who's at the door. Even if it was someone for me I could care less. I mean all they do is use me to get money and then when they're fed up with me they ship me back to where I started. I've been with Miss Charlotte since I was five. Yes, I always start back from the first place I went to. I know your thinking 'Why wouldn't they move her to a different state when no one around wants her?' well guess what, I guess you could say that I still have a little bit of hope that my mother will come back for me and I still think that she knows where I am so I refuse to leave this place hoping that she'll come back for me. I know I know what a stupid hope right? I mean she made it so I couldn't trust anyone, but she gave birth to me and I do love her still even after all these years.

"Willow honey come down stairs. The Johnsons are here to pick you up! Are you packed?" She yelled up the stairs.

"Yea I'm packed mum! Why do I have to go?" I whined/yelled "Mom could be back any day to pick me up!"

"Deary you know very well that she won't be coming to pick you up anytime soon. When your 18 we can give you the information so you can go find her you still have one year."  She yelled up the stairs.

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