Part 13

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As I woke up the next morning. I knew I had forgotten completely about the guy coming yesterday. I grabbed up my phone and saw I had a missed call and a new message. I called my voicemail and it said: "Hello Willow this is Mr. Mckinnley. I was suppossed to swing by your barn yesterday and see about the horse Acclaimed Mischeif. I never got out there but I would like to reschedule for today so I can help you and your horse. Call me back when you get this message." I sighed in relief and called him back quickly.

"Hello Mr. Mckinnley. I was wondering when you would be able to come over today to start training Acclaimed Mischeif." I got up out of bed and logged onto the computer. I looked online wear to get leather halters with name plates. I smiled and ordered one for each of my horses the all had pretty cursive and dark leather.

"Well Ms. Johnson I think I can make it at 12 noon and if I cant I will call you and schedule for a later time."

"Well thank you Mr. Mckinnley. I will see you then." I finished paying for the halters and then I ordered professional lead ropes.

"Hey baby boy. Wake up sleepy head."

"Mehhh I dont wanna wake up. 5 more minutes pleasee..."

"Come on baby please?" I climb on his back and start rubbing his shoulders, " Ill give more then a shoulder rub if you wake up for me now. I need to get to the stables and ill go without you if I have to baby." He lifted himself up on his shoulders and rolled us over and I sat right on his part and could tell right away this is why he didnt  want to get up. "I was thinking about getting a young colt horse what do you say? I would have to order this halter I like though."

"I think thats great."

"Well lets hop in the shower I can help you with your problem." he smiled at me and picked us both up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on while he got the shower all ready. He took off my clothes for me and then toook off his own and pulled us both into the shower.

When we finally got out of the shower an hour later we both got dressed in riding gear. Me in my riding habit and him in some barn clothes. I packed up my laptop, my phone cables, my earphones, and my ipod and phone. We drove to the stables and I went straight to my office to order the rest of my barn stall and door plates. I already ordered my halters and plates. Now I just have to order one more and a few more halters. I also ordered pro leather leads with a chain clip for leading them places. I also ordered Vally a surprise saddle plate.

I smiled as I ordered a small leather halter for the new baby I'm going to get. I ordered a dark brown for the light chesnut girl. I also ordered a soft "come along" halter to lead her from place to place. I placed it for over night shipping as soon as they're finished and then emailed the company with the reciept number and my name telling them ill pay them more for faster shipping and work. I need to enter in Chance to a barrel race with Vally on his back. She needs to come down here and train if I am to get her ready in time.  I smiled and raced out to get Mischeif ready for the trainer. I smiled as I led him out to the round pen. I slipped him into his bridle and hooked on the lunge line. I told him to walk trot and canter. He went through his leads perfectly and listened like a doll. I smiled and let him wander in the round pen because the trainer would be here in 10 minutes. I smiled and went to get Dream. I smiled and looked around the stable. I guess he was out at the track. I pulled Dream out and led her over to the tack room. I pulled out her royal blue bareback pad and her barrel reigns. I led her over to the stairs. I mounted her slowly and carefully. I smiled and steered her out of the barn and onto the field. I looked carefully around for him before whispering canter and she took off from a standstill. I laughed and giggled and had one of the best times in a while. I cantered all around the field for who knows how long. I slowed down when my ribs hurt from the rocking and my leg was a little stiff from all the gripping. I turned her around and jogged smoothly back to the barn. I tied her up in the bath stalls on the side of the barn and got the soap and shampoo. I pulled out the hose and started to bath her. I smiled when I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind. Poor sap doesn't know. I partially am only bathing her because she was sweaty from not being excercised like the jumper she was made for. I pulled out of his embrace and told him to continue to bath her while I met with the horse trainer. For the rest of the day I was sitting on our gelding chance watching the trainer train Mischeif. He did pretty well with the gelding.

"Hey baby boy. When am I going to get my little baby horse?" You see. I told him exactly what I wanted in the young filly and he went out and hired a pro horse buyer to buy me the perfect horse. He insisted on doing this for me. I giggled. Thank god my halters are almost here. My young horse will be named Dream Keeper. Shell be just cute. Hope he picks a great one though. I dont want a little punk.

I walked up to the trainer and smiled. I held out my hand for him and he shook it.

"Well Ms. Johnson I see you have your boyfriend washing your horse. Will that be the one I shall be training today?"

"No he's walking slowly around the hot walker to warm up his muscles slightly. Don't tell him, but I only washed my horse because I took her out riding and she hasnt been ridden properly in almost two months. Although she hasnt forgotten her training shes a little out of shape. She used to jump all day everyday. So I started hosing her down to make sure the sweat look like water. I can go grab up Mischeif for you and show you to the track. Had it specifically made for horses and humans alike. I have hurdles that come out so I can run track peacefully on weekends. I have all sorts of jumps that come out for Dream to be able to work. And then all those are retractable by switches so that Mischeif can have his own personal track. The barn is over there," I pointed towards the barn,"The hot walker is that way," I pointed towards where Mischeif is, "and im sure you noticed that the track is that way." I un-tied Mischeif and started walking to the track. I looked behind my shoulder to see a young man, probably showed up a little after Mr. Mckinnley, checking me out. I smiled when I saw Xavier bathing Dream just like I told him to.

"As you can see, my boyfriend is the perfect helper for me while I cant ride or do much. I will leave you guys to your training and I will get back to my working. I walked over to my horse trailer and opened the mini fridge and pulled out an apple. I smiled, rinsed it off and started to eat it. I walked to the barn and went to my office. I pulled up the internet and started looking at young horses. I smiled at the thought of Xavier buying me a foal. I exited out of the browser and went into Chance's stall. I brought him out into the stall way and saddled him up with all his Western tack. I climed onto his back and rode him out to where Xavier was. He smiled when he heard my voice and then that smile turned into a frown. He looked me dead in the eye and said,

"What do you think your doing on the back of that horse? Did the doctor say you could ride? Did he give you the okay?" He asked.

"Well no but your going to lead me around with one of the reigns. That way I cant trot or do anything else. I just want to sit on his back while I watch Mischeif get trained so will you please please please lead me around. You can tie him up to the railing while I sit up here and watch. Or I can sit on Dream and you can sit on Chance. Please." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and pouted. He sighed and gave in quicker than I thought and led Dream and Chance both over to the fence. I smiled triumphantly and let my hands rest on the horn of the saddle. He smiled over his shoulder at me and tied Dream up to the fence. I grabbed the reign out of his hand before he could tie up chance and I walked over to the trailer that was really close and slid out of the saddle. I grabbed my favorite lunge line and slung it over the horn. I walked back over to them and slid down again. I clipped the line onto the rope halter on underneath the bridle. I motioned for Xavier to get up and he looked at me skeptically. I smiled at him as he slowly got into the saddle and held onto the horn. I giggled and untied Dream taking her with us. I walked to the two round pens in the middle of the track grass and let Dream loose in one and led Xavier, Chance, and me. I smiled and sent Chance out at a trot around in a circle. I smiled at him as he looked at me wide eyed. I quickly taught him how to post to make the ride more comfortable.

"Xavier do you feel how he moves? You have to do a one two motion. When he steps forward you sit up and you sit up and down up and down in the saddle. Its called posting and it makes trots more comfortable for an uneven trotting horse." I clicked Chance into a canter as soon as he got the hang of it and he held onto the saddle wide eyed like a doe. I snickered at his face and he scowled at me. I turned Chance in the other direction and kept him moving.

End of the day:

"So Mr. Mckinnley did your boy there get bucked off?%

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2012 ⏰

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