Chapter 3

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Willow's P.O.V


Well yesterday I accidently kissed Xavier on the cheek. I completely embarassed myself. How could I do such a thing? I mean I don't like him.. right? Flabbergasted monkeys I honestly don't know! How could I like a player? I mean the only thing that's going to happen is that he's going to hurt me.. I think. Well at least my mattress is coming today. I mean I'll be getting all my furniture today. The paint is all dry and It looks awsome! I mean when Val came to fetch me this morning to get me up and dressed so that we could go EVERYTHING shopping. I mean I have 30,000 on my debit card. I was allowed to buy anything at the mall I wanted. They'd pay for the necessary items like my bed, other furniture, my tv, cable, laptop, ipod, my bed spread and dozens of pillows I know Ill need, kitchen items, and lights. I can decide if I want to furnish the guest rooms. I think Val wants to come live with me. I mean having my new best friend right there next to me would be great. So I think that I should furnish at least one so that she can live in it whenever she needs or wants to. I think my whole kitchen theme is going to be light blue, white and green. So what Im saying is this is this is my list for today: 2 Mahogony dressers, 2 mahogony bed stands, 4 mahogony bedside tables, washing machine and dryer, pretty curtain rods and black with color splatter curtains, black and limegreen bedspread, a comfy ass couch, bath towels, kitchen towels, kitchen silver, plate, and cup ware, pretty bluegreen curtains for the kitchen, 2 of the 360 constallation light things, my 16 inch hp laptop and the 24" screen desktop, 64 gig ipod 4g touch and iPhone4, black silk sheets, colorful lamps, 64" flat screen, game consol with a dozen wii games, a T.V stand case thing, and A MILLION CLOTHES TO FILL MY HUMONGOUS CLOSET!!!!!!!! Long List I know but that's exactly what I'm getting today. Now off to my drab wardrobe. Thank god I'm redoing it today. I mean It'd be a drag if I didn't. I have to many baggy clothes. I mean I lost weight due to the depression I was in, so yea I got skinnier each year and didn't have enough money to actually buy new clothes. Then tomorrow I have to face school on a Monday of all days. Ick. Well off to the stores.

An hour later at Ikea:

"Val! What bed set should I get?! The one with the lime green stripes or the one with the random splatters.?" I ask excited!

"Splatters!" We had both exclamed at the same time. We put two bed sets in the cart one striped one splattered. She wanted striped. That girls is obssessed with stripes I sware!  We had already got the black silk sheets for the beds. One king set and one full set. Now off to the pillows!! I want all goose feather pillows their the softest. Well I want two of the fake ones and four of the goose feathered. I also got a down comforter and a black bed covering for it so In the winter I can stay oh so warm.

"Ok help me choose the bed stand Val. Should I get the darker wood or the slightly lighter?" I asked. I know I know why ask? Well Its because Im a girl suck it up and deal with it.

"You should get the darker one girl. I mean why a lighter one?" She said in a fake nassaly voice. she can be so stupid at times.

"Ok. Well mom I want this bed set," I told her with a smile.

"Ok sweetie. Hello we would like some help sir. We need to get this shipped to the house today. Im also serious about the today part." She said seriously but in a warm tone. I could already tell I would love my new mother.

"Well what would you like some help with?" The nice worker guy said in an interested tone.

"We need you to just stay with us. We'll be ordering a lot of furniture that will need to be shipped to the house immedietly after we get it. We need four of these bedstands. Two of those dressers over there. That 64" flat screen. Three of those really colorful lamps right over there. The HP 16" laptop in a lime green/ black color. The 24" screen destop. The black round wraparound couch. The wii system. We will buy all the small stuff that we will be getting. The black T.V stand/ case, bigger if possible. The red washer and dryer over there. And that black desk over there. I wrote all the stuff we need and I marked it with marking tie with the exact ones we wanted. Look for the green ties on the furniture so you will no exactly what we want." She said In her buisness voice. By the end of it me and Val were an isle over listening and picking out the perfect curtains both for my room and hers.

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