Chapter Five

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Chapter not edited.


The question caught me off guard, my heart unusually speeding up. Why is him asking that question freaking me out? Is it the way he asked the question, his voice casual and emotionless? Perhaps it was the way his ice blue eyes were staring at my more dark ones. I don't even know if I want to answer the question, not really wanting to admit my past, especially in present company. A room full of co-students and Sister Helen, a nun, is not the type of people I'm accustomed to spilling my inner most working in front of.

I opted with keeping everything to my self and snappily replying, "I don't think that's any ones business."

With those words his gaze lowered, clearly bothered that there was something I was keeping hidden and the look he was giving said he wanted to crack my head open to find the secret. Obviously, he is a person reader and a secret seeker just like myself, but if there is anyone that can keep a secret it's people who love to hear them. My brain is a closed vault with lots of missiles and ninjas with super fighting skills protecting it.

"Alright, you may take your seat Ms. Palms so I can start the lesson." Sister Helen asked, well, more like demanded. I followed her command reluctantly, voices screaming in my head to tell Sister Helen where to shove her authoritative tone- but the last thing I want to do is get in trouble on my first day of classes.

Sister Helen went on lecturing, teaching us stuff that I honestly wasn't paying attention to. When did schools actually teach shit on the first day of school? I thought today was supposed to be the day when everyone learned rules and paperwork was sent out, but I guess when you're in a school that most have been attending for over a year and you don't have parents around to sign paperwork, all you can do is teach.

I'm starting to hate this school more and more by the minute. With every passing word this nun in front of me says I feel like standing up on my desk and shooting myself in the head. Where the gun comes from, I'm not sure cause I've never even laid hands on a gun before, but enough with your literal ass. I'm being metaphoric here, stop ruining my mental fun!

On top of that, throughout the entire lesson I could feel eyes staring at the back of my head and frankly it was starting to give me a headache. That's the problem with me- or do other people have it too?- when someone is staring at me, I feel it and it makes me anxious. Making matters even worse, I didn't know who was staring at me and didn't want to give whom ever it was the satisfaction of me turning around to check. Am I ridiculous or just too proud for my own good? I have no clue, but I'm still not going to turn around.

The clock on the wall next to the door clicked by slowly and I stared at it, willing it to speed up. Do bells ring here or is it like college when the teacher dismisses them when the lesson is over? I really hope it's the former because I've heard in college the professors tend to keep the class until lessons are over. Then again, I'm pretty sure they're supposed to time their lessons to last the amount of time of the class, so maybe it's the same way here.

The thoughts running a mile a minute through my mind and focusing on the clock, I didn't realize everyone was getting up, packing their stuff back into their bag to head out of class. Relieved this class is finally over, I start packing up my untouched binders and books. I found out that here there is fifteen minutes in between classes, much better than any school I've been to which they only had the usual five minutes and it's the only thing I've found redeeming of this school so far.

Heading slowly down the hall, dodging around uniformed posh looking kids with hidden secrets I stared at them all discreetly while passing by, trying to figure out their stories.

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