Chapter Seven

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I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting myself into right now. Why do I always do this to myself? I know what's wrong and what's right, but when I'm given the opportunity to try something new, I can't say no. All I could think of was getting in trouble and it didn't help the fact that Ali, while walking next to me as we made our way back to our rooms, was giving me a lecture. 

"Seriously, Elle, don't give into his peer pressure! He likes to stir the pot and here you are basically handing him the spoon." She raged on, trying to get me to see reason, but it was on deaf ears.

"Ali, you can stop trying to convince me not to go! It's going in through one ear and out the other, I can assure you that!" I shushed her exasperatedly. "You just don't understand me, I know we're new friends and all, but I can't stand down a challenge. It's just not in my nature and you'll just have to understand that. I can't give in and not stand up to your brother cause, frankly, I know I'll get shit for it the rest of the year. Besides, I would never give him the satisfaction of thinking I'm chicken and that he's better than me." I explained, taking a deep breath after my rant. 

Ali sighed, shaking her head, but didn't say another word. Good, she understands that I'm not one to roll over and play dead when a predator is on the hunt. I really am too proud, I can admit that to myself, but I never considered it a problem. What's wrong with proving to everyone that you're capable of doing anything you set your mind to and don't half ass it - I am definitely not a mediocre person. 

Ali sighed again, clearly annoyed with me. "Well, you want to come into my room? We'll vape and do some homework together. Just because you're breaking the rules doesn't mean you have to fail too." She offered, putting a fake grin on her face. I love how I can see through her facades after only knowing her for a couple days. 

"Right, because smoking isn't against the rules or anything." I comment, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Hey, I do it in the safety of my own room. I don't see my ass getting caught, meanwhile my brother is constantly getting in trouble. That should give you a perspective as to who the smarter twin is. Just saying!" She defended, pointing at me sternly.

"You say potato, I say tomato." I say, waving my hand at her as if I was swatting a fly away.

"It's PA-TA-TOE." She corrected me, rolling her eyes as if I'm intellectually challenged.

"No, I mean tomato, cause we're talking about completely different things. You're talking about rules, I'm talking about pride! Also, I thought you understood this. I vote for end of discussion and you just pretending that you have no idea what's going down." 

"Fine." She stomped her foot. 

"Fine!" I mock her, stomping my foot like she did, giggling. 


It was currently 11:50PM, way passed lights out and I was starting to feel nervous. Getting out of bed, I took off my shorts and tank top I wore to bed. Why I decided to change for bed is beyond me when I knew I was just going to have to get dressed again, but I don't think that far ahead when I'm jittery.

Walking to my closet I pulled out a pair of short shorts and a tight tank top. If I was going to sneak out with some ass who just wanted to scare me and risk getting kicked out of school, I might as well look hot. I even put on my sexy underwear cause, well, I don't know what I was thinking. It's not like I was expecting to hook up with him. He wouldn't want that, would he? 

No, no, I wouldn't sleep with him even if he wanted me to. For one, I'm not one to just hook up with anyone and two, I'm still with Joel, regardless of the fact that I left without him know I was leaving. Now that I think about it, how do I know that we're still really together? As far as I know he's already moved on! I swear to God, if he has, when I get out of here I will kick his ass.

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