Chapter Three

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"He's your brother?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Twins to be exact, couldn't you tell?" She responded, giving me an inscrutable look. I had a feeling she was secretly thinking I was either mentally incapable or blind. .

Well, they were both two of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and there were definite similarities. Their hair, for one, is a dead give away, as well as their high cheek bones. The eyes were close, but Ali's eyes have a green speckle in them while his eyes had more silver flecks; that were the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen.

"Lets go sit. Dinners about to be served." Ali pulled me out of my dreaming of him and ushered me towards our seats.

"How does this work? They don't serve everyone individual plates do they?" That sounds very weird since there's at least a hundred students here, give or take, they can't possibly serve them all separately.

"Oh yes, they do. It's traditional and puts us in a family setting apparently." She rolled her eyes.

"What about, like, getting seconds?" I always got seconds, I was a hungry girl most of the time, but now since I was introduced to the vaporizer, courtesy of Ali, I'm more hungry then usual.

"Gluttony." She stated simply, then must've realized I didn't know what she was talking about. "One of the Seven Deadly Sins is Gluttony. Which, in short, means you don't get seconds."

"No seconds?" I asked horrified. "How do you survive?"

"They give you good portions believe it or not, but after being here for a week, your body adjusts to what they give you."

So, I have be religious, learn things I never in my life wanted to learn, and now I have to adjust my stomach to fit with the amount of food they want to give me. This just isn't fair! Even my crazy religious Aunt let us have seconds if we wanted them.

"Don't look so horrified, it keeps you slim, so appreciate them starving you. I personally think it's a secret system - although they're not supposed to judge people on appearance - they subconsciously are against fat people, thus keeping us skinny. That or they're trying to teach us that food is a right not a privilege, one that should not take away from our faith, but I like to think the former since it's less boring."

I looked at Ali like she had grown two heads and her finger turned to octopus tentacles. She truly was a weird creature and I couldn't believe I was just realizing it. Granted, I just met her almost an hour ago, but I never in my life thought I'd meet someone who was stranger than me.

"I like how you think, Ali. I think we'll get along just fine." I smiled at her, just as kitchen staff was coming out with our meals.

"Let us pray." I suddenly heard a voice and realized it was Sister Mary. Everyone put their heads down, cupping their hands together. I followed, rolling my eyes internally. I know this prayer, but it always gets in the way of me just digging in. "Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."

Finally! Now I can eat.

As we were eating, I looked across to the male side of the cafeteria trying to be sly while staring at Xander. He was talking with his friends sitting around him, laughing and punching them, eating the same way all the other guys were, messily. He looked so cute, his silver blue eyes shining with mirth, his black hair messily falling in front of his eyes and him sliding his hand threw it to push the stray hairs out of his face. I found myself wishing I could run my finger through it the same way, grabbing a fist full while he kisses my lips, my neck, me straddling him while on top of him...

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