It all goes down hill from there..

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Pirates pov

Poncho landed on his back and froze in shock.
before anyone could say anything someone yelled.."It's time for stalls!"
"Oh no..." Pirate said looking at the pasture gate. It was billie.
"She rounded up all the horses for the night.." Harvey answered for me.
"What if she sees Poncho on the ground?" I said quickly, panicking.
"We will just have to wait and see." Apache replied, but he was calm, too calm for the situation we were in.
Pirate stared at Ponchos limp body, she walked toward him and nudge him in the shoulder to check if he was ok, you could tell he was still breathing but he was quiet.
"Poncho?" I said blankly...No answer
"Is he knocked out?.."  I thought to myself, but billie was already on her way to them before she could find out.
Apache and Harvey started heading toward the gate, but I stayed. "Pirate, you coming?" Harvey said when she realized i didn't follow.
"Um yeah I'm gonna stay to see what happens." Appache didn't seem to take that the way Pirate was thinking it because his tail swished aggressively.
Billie ran towards Poncho when she realized he wasn't moving, I followed behind carfully. Poncho seemed to finally snap back out of shock and lift his head up. The end of his nose was bleeding a bit, but he had more trouble getting up.
"What happened boy?" Billie finally caught her breathe to say.
I lowered my head to show the guilt I had.
"It's ok Pirate I'm not mad, things like this happen" Billie said, assuming she caught my emotion.
Poncho seemed to mumble under his breathe, but I think he said "I'll kill that Clyde one day." So I stepped infront of him, ears perked and spoke "you were the one calling him names, and telling him that he's useless, you deserved it" I stomped my hoof and turned off.
"So you're sticking up for that fat loner, instead of the charming popular gentlermen?" Poncho said in confusion, so I turned around, hoofs planted, teeth bare. "Yes, I am, because I wouldn't  dare stick up for a show off like you, all you do is pretend you're so much better than everyone here because you're a fresian, well you're not, your like everyone here pretty boy"
Billie seemed to realize what was happening and spoke up "alright Pirate calm down, I know Poncho can be a pain" She put a hand on my shoulder and walked with me toward the gate, "trust me , I know" I said loud enough for him to hear.

Everyone horse was in there assigned stalls, as I was put into the extra one, guessing that it's now mine.
Appaches stall was across from me, and Harvey was besides me. Gino was besides Harvey and Deputy was besides Appache and Poncho, he being in the middle of them. (Yes there's other horses than just them)
Everyone was also brought their bucket of hay and grass formed to a ball, which I did eat because I had to or else I'd starve, but I also had apple slices and carrots which made it better.

It got a little later and I was already tired enough that I was closing my eyes to fall asleep, but my stall gate opened and it woke me up more.
It was Billie though so I wasn't surprised, everyone else was already asleep so I was confused.
"Hey girl" she said, tiring. Which I greeted back with a small snort. She sat down infront of my face so I could see her, I guess she wanted to talk.
"Ok so, you've been acting weird...kinda like you weren't a horse in the first place, I mean you nod your head and everything, is there something I don't know?" I stared at her in shock, I didn't know if I should tell her or not.
"Oh heck, what am I thinking, your a horse, of course you don't understand me.." Billie stood up to leave but I pulled on her shirt and when she looked I nodded. She turned around and sat back down, the look of amazement and shock surrounded her face expressions.
"Oh my God, do you do understand me? I'm not crazy after all? I got so many questions, but I don't know how you can answer them..." Billie thought long and hard until it came to her. "I have an idea, but I need to make them first, get some rest cause we have training in the morning" She got up and kissed my forehead before leaving out my stall.
"Night Pirate!" She said before leaving the barn, which I answered back with a quiet neigh.
I thought of what Billie might have planned for tomorrow and then I realized I had a big day, so I layed my head down and fell asleep.

Billies pov

When I left the barn I ran straight to the house, took my shoes and coat off and grabbed left over card board boxes and paint. I crept up the stairs quietly because it was midnight and everyone was asleep.
When I got to my room I turned a small light on and got to work.
I cut out 26 cardboard squares from the boxes and painted them all dry, after they dried I grabbed the black paint and wrote every 26 letters on the 26 cards and left them there till the morning.

My body already knew I was excited for today. I woke up at 7 to get ready for training with Pirate.
Finnease was already out, taking the horses to the pasture, and mom was feeding the pigs, goats, and chickens while dad was fixing another broken fence.
I ran to the barn and went straight to the saddles. "Up already huh?" Finnease said coming around the corner with Poncho.
"Uh yeah I'm really excited for today, also becareful with Poncho, he got in another fight with Appache I'm guessing" I said grabbing a blanket and saddle off the hooks, aswell a bridle. "Actually, could you get a vet here to check on him? he had a hard time getting up off the ground yesterday" I continued, accidentally slamming the saddle on Pirates stall fence, waking her immediately.
"Sure thing sis, right after I finish taking them out"  Finnease said now walking out with Poncho.

"Good you're awake" I said opening Pirates stall gate with the bridle in my hand. " you remember this right? It dosent hurt you" I said trying not to spook Pirate but she didn't flinch once. "Maybe this will be easy after all" you thought to yourself, putting the bridle on Pirate.

You set the saddle and the blanket on the bar fence of the round up pin, and only had the rope in your hand again. No one was around so you could talk to Pirate now.
"Ok so, when I swing this rope you run in circles around the pin, just to get you use to all this"
Pirate seemed to understand and walked slowly around the pin, waiting for you to swing to rope, so you did. She first trotted, the centered, then galloped around the pin. We did that for about 10 minutes, slowing down and speeding up to get her use to running as a horse now.
I grabbed the blanket from off the bar and held it out infront of me.
"This goes on your back, like a blanket but it's to protect you from the saddle hurting you" I said pointing to the saddle on the fence showing Pirate.
I walked toward her with the blanket in my hands, but she didn't flinch, she stood still actually so you slowly set it on her back. We continued the process until Pirare wasn't as sketch of it.
But then came the saddle, this time Pirate was scared, she back up when I grabbed it off the fence and perked her ears back so I set on the ground and sat on it like I would on her. Then I got up, left it there and conforted her till I knew she was ready.
I picked up the saddle again and walked towards Pirate, she was a little skittish but she stay still, I slid it on top of the saddle and buckled it under to where it was not gonna fall.

Pirates pov

It was a little weird having weight on my back like this, but I was fine with it because I trusted Billie, but after what just happened, it all went down hill...

Yes another to be continued, because it makes the book interesting so, new part tomorrow, enjoy this.
Also this is my first book ever written, so if I have errors or some things seem off, or different from the other parts, I'm just adventuring with what I like better.
I also forgot that Pirate had a cast on. But the horses were already aware on what happend which is why they didn't ask, and it's quite healed by now so, also it blends into the feathers.

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