Time flies

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It's been a month of me and Billie training for whatever it is we were doing. I've been getting really good at jumping and landing, ignoring the mud pools and water puddles. But m this morning was different, this morning Finneases truck had something attached to it, it had windows with no glass on the outside and the doors were huge.
Billie put my saddle in the back seat and went back inside to grab more stuff.
She wasn't dressed like she normally was, she was wearing back skiny pants and some long black shirt to match it, and gloves..where was she going?

Appache woke up but I didn't notice until he got up from the ground.
"How'd you sleep?" Appache said blocking out my thoughts. "Just fine actually, I also was wondering how I got moves from the pasture?" Appache looked at me confused.  "What do you mean? You got right up and walked there yourself. You don't remember?"
I did what? All I remember is falling asleep with Appache in the pasture with Harvey..maybe I sleep walk? I thought to myself "must've slept walked then" I said shrugging off.
"Do you know what's going on with that thing attached to Finneas's truck?" Avoiding the question. "Oh yeah, I over heard you and Billie have a tournament today for cash reward, and that's a trailer all horses get moves with." I froze. "I WHAT!?!?! Why was I never aware!! I've never gone to one, I hate being around alot of people.. what is I do horrible!?!?" I reared and neighed in frustration. Appache rubbed against my neck as Billie came running in.
"What's going on girl?" Billie said opening the gate to my stall. I just jumped up a little and swinged my head.
"Ok well we have to get ready for our show" Billie said putting on the bridle. She didn't let me say good bye to Appache so I was kinda pulling back.
I didn't even notice that she put me in the trailer and shut the doors. I panicked, it was so dark and I didn't know what to do.
The truck started moving and I almost fell.
I could hear Appache neighing for me so I neighed back until I couldn't hear him anymore.

It took awhile of silence but we finally came to a stop. The doors opened and the sunlight shot at my eyes, took me awhile to adjust as I was pulled out of the trailer and into the hear.
As my eyes finally adjusted I saw thousands of people staring at me and pointing. What's going on? I thought to myself as Billie put the saddle on my back. I could see what looked like the jumps back at the barn. But there were other horses there.
People were running up to Billie as she got on the saddle that was on my back. "Billie! I love you Billie! Becareful! You can do this Billie!" They all screamed as she held most of there hands. "How are you babies!!" She responded and they all screamed back.
I was getting quite uncomfortable as they were putting their hands all over me.
Finally a big voice spoke over; "Ok now every contestant is here, please make your way to the entrance gate. And audience please take a seat at the bleachers. Thank you."
"Bye Billie!" They all said as she moved me along to the entrance of the jumps.
"We have a very special contestant here tonight, Billie Eilish has decided to participate in this award winning competition. Who knows she might be giving the reward away to a special someone" the voice said once again.
We were given a number, 3, I'm guessing that the place we go after. Billie places it on her back as the voice spoke again; "Now that we are settled number 1 please step on up, when the bell rings your time starts"
"Bzzzz" a noise went as the first person went on, jumping through the field.
"11.3 seconds" the voice went at it. Everyone clapped and cheered
"Bzzz" the noise went again as the person infront of us went. We are next! I said to myself panicking.
"It's ok girl, we can do this. Just pretend like no one's watching, just like at home" Billie said rubbing the top of my neck as the girl ran through.
"11.5" the voice said again and Billie moved me upward to the start.
I drowned out the sound of cheering and claps. My ears pointed forward, eyes focused straight ahead, legs up and ready. Listening "Bzzzz" I heard the noise once again.
I wasted no time and dashed toward the brick jump with the number 1 on it, so I search around to 2, and then 3. Billie did he no hands tricks as I jumped through mud, water puddles, sand, and bushes. I dashed to the end feeling proud. Chest puffed put and head up high. I waited for the results.
"Woah what a whopping 10.9 for Mrs Eilish." The crowd was louder than ever, everyone screamed and whistled. My ears could hold in. But Billie covered them while she smiled in pure happiness. I was happy along as she was.
"Good job pirate" she kissed my mane and gave me pets as I neighed in respond.
The other horses looked at me with such furry.
"What? Never seen a giant horse with short let's beat you before?"  I said and they all looked away.
The last 2 went on. The 4th got 11.8 and the 5th got 11.1, close behind Billie but we still won.
People came up to us and put a vine covered on flowers around my neck. Smelled quite nice honestly.
They stuck a 1st place ribbon on the flowers and gave Billie a 1st place trophy and her 10k cash reward.
Billie then ascorted me to a women who had a beanie on. And was handed a mic.
"I'm giving this cash to someone in need. Rosalind has been fighting cancer for a week now and decided to come watch me participate in the events" Rosalind got up and cried, putting her hands over her mouth. "Thank you so much, this a dream come true honestly!" She laughed away the happy tears. Billie got down and gave her the cash, along with the hug. "Take care now Rosalind, love you!" Billie said getting back on and walking me toward the trailer as we were mobbed again by the fans.
Billie got off and said hi to everyone while taking the saddle off me. "Your horse is so pretty! Whats its name?" A fan said from the crowd. "Her name is Pirate" Billie said stroking my mane.
One of the fans got to close and tried to touch me. I flinched back. "Sorry but shes kinda new to all this, so please don't touch her until she's comfortable" Billie said smiling.
"Where'd you get her?" A fan asked again. Man they so noise! I thought snorting. "She got in an accident with me and I decided to take care of her in return" Billie said petting my face.
After all the questions were answered I was put back in the trailer and we went back on the road.

I could hear Appache again so I new we were home finally. It wasn't dark but I was tired and I needed a nap atleast.
The trailer doors opened again and I ran right out. Adjusting my eyes again Billie took the bridle off and I went right towards my stall.
"Hey angel how'd it go?" Appache said greeting me at the gate. "Oh it was great! I mean I was nervous but we won! And Billie gave the cash away to a fan In need" I said walking in as Finneas opened the stall for me.
"Aw! That's great, I'm glad you did great" Appache said, but I was already passed out on the ground. Appache cuddles with me and fell asleep too.

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