Only the beginning.

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Pirates pov (it's been a week later so, Poncho is now in the pastures again, Pirates healed but Appache is still with her, and they start training today)

I woke up this Morning really early, my ankle was feeling so much better today that I could stand.
Appache was fast asleep with his head on my neck, so I kissed his cheek as I slowly moved from under him. He didn't wake up but he looked sad that I moved out from him.
I stretched my leg and ripped the wrap off of my leg so it could breathe.

Billie came in 10 minutes later. "Aw girl your awake, how'd you sleep?"  I jumped up just a little and snorted, waking Appache, cause i could feel his muscular body on mine...
Billie looked at me with a smirk and I snorted in response. "Morning" his deep voice said in my ears.
"Good morning" I said turning to him smiling. He then kissed me and rubed against my neck.
"Ok enough romance, Pirate you got training today, and Appache you can come watch" Billie said opening the gate, putting a saddle and bridle on and pulled me out, Appache following.
We were walking towards the jumps when Poncho spoke from the pastures  "looking good today princess" Appache walked on the side Poncho was looking at to cover me from him. "Aw come on dude, I was just looking at the most beautiful thing." Appache scoffed "I know, she's my beautiful thing though, and I look at her every morning" Appache said, kissing me after. "She will be mine one day" Poncho said trotting off.
"With a handsome Clydesdale like this here? I'll never leave you for him" I said licking Appache neck.

We made it to the jump area and Billie got on me while Appache layed down and watched in interest.
The first jump was kinda hard but I got use to it. We worked for about and hour until Finneas came on Poncho to jump, I gave Poncho a heavy stare as he passed by he was too close. He suddenly reached over to my face and kissed my nose "don't worry princess, I'll show you how it done" he said but I turned and bit at him as Appache ran up behind me. "Don't kiss me ever again." I said, bared teeth.
Appache move in between me and Poncho and snapped at him "leave." He said staring at Poncho. "Dang
calm down..." Poncho continued walking.
"That fresian really needs to learn manners" Billie said looking at us "anyways...when's the kidss" Billie side eyed both of us as we looked away. "Oh come on I want my grand kiddies" she said laughing, me and Appache snorted and walked on toward the barn.

We were both in the pasture now and I was so excited to see Harvey, but she was standing with Gino for some reason.
Me and Appache snuck up on the conversation they were having. "Hey Harvey I just wanted to actually tell you that I've had feelings for you since we met and I'm so sorry how Deputy treats you." Gino said nervously hoofing the ground. "You know Gino, I'm not really the Ideal type of liking people. I'm just there to be supportive and funny." Harvey said nudging him once. "Yeah I know but, getting these things off my chest help alot..." Gino said looking away, seeing Deputy walking up. Harvey saw and made a move. She kissed Gino out of no where. "Well maybe that will help things out, bo go before Deputy gets mad" Gino pranced off happily toward Deptuy, and we could tell she was mad.
But we ignored it and jumped out the bushes. Harvey wasn't even embarrassed that we saw, she was so excited to see me, and I was excited to see her. "Pirate!!!! You're better!" She said hugging me as I walk closer. "Yeah oh my God, I missed you so much!" I said hugging her back. "No way, we like just met" she said laughing and then she stepped back studding me and Appache. Then she gasped "Are you both what I think you both are?...Dating?!?!?!?" Harvey said out of the blue. " guessed it" she felt Appache shift positions. "Oh my God. I totally ship it by the way" she said laughing even more. We continued talking more about what happened between the weeks I was gone.

Deputy finally approached with Gino and Poncho beside her. Poncho winked at me but I ignored him. "Nice to see you're finally back in the pastures special one.." She snapped as she saw Poncho give me a look.
"Yeah pretty great to be honest" I answered confusingly. Gino moved closer to Harvey. "Glad you like it here Princess" Poncho smirked. "Ugh shut up Poncho." Deputy interrupted Poncho, which I'm glad she did.
"Hmm, I think you and Poncho would be a nice couple..right Pirate?" Appache nudged me. "Yeah totally, yall would look so fashionable" I smiled trying not to laugh. "Actually I think I'd be-" why thank you, I think k we would too isn't that RIGHT Poncho?" Poncho shutted up at the response he got from Deputy. "Yeah yall should try it actually" Harvey saw what was going on and agreed. "I think so too" Deputy rubbed her head against Ponchos chest. "No, I told you Deputy already, my eyes are on princess." Poncho stared at me deeply.
Appache being his over protective self moved in the way of his vision. "Well princess is mine, ain't that right" he swished his tail. "Thats right handsom" I said sliding all the way up from his back to his head and gave him a quick kiss. "Flirty" he whispered back. "Just the way you like me.." I teased. Poncho had enough, he stomped away in furious. "Yall are gross." She said going after Poncho. "Come one Gino" she said looking back. Gino and Harvey were snuggled up together. "Actually I wanna stay" Gino talked back. Me and Appache laid down together ready for the drama. "Gino what did I say about disobeying me?" Deputy took a step closer. "I'm not following your little rules anymore Deputy, I love Harvey and I'm gonna stay with her" he swung around towards Deputys way, bared teeth. Harvey looked as shocked as Deputy did. "Fine, be a loser then.." Deputy said, walking off. "Atleast I can get the love of my life as a loser." Gino said, snuggling on Harvey. Deputy than charged at Gino, biting his neck but Gino kicked her off and knocked her to the ground. Poncho came in to help but Appache blocked his path. Gino began biting at Deputys neck as she winced in pain, so did Appache as Poncho tried pushing him down, but it didn't work. Appache rammed into the Fresian. He lost balance and ran off. Deputy followed shortly after him.
Harvey than ran into Gino's grasp and kissed him. "I'm so happy you stood up for yourself" she smiled at him.
Appafhe layed back next to me. I kissed him knowing I was bout to fall asleep.
Gino and Harvey both laid down besides us as it was getting darker.

I woke up of hunger, Appache was still next to me but I was in my stall? How did I get moved...Appache was still asleep so I quietly ate and drank than fell back asleep on him. Waiting to ask my questions for tomorrow.

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