Days off...?

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Sorry guys for the delay, I forgot about making the parts so, I'll be making 2 tonight, and posting 1 part in the morning ok? enjoy :)
Billies pov (in this font its povs and talking, this is narrations, bold is important news, might change btw)

(Shark gets fed by Maggie at 6)
I woke up at around 7, ready for my busy day. I grabbed some casual clothes and turned the hot water on, I waiting till the water got to the right temperature and hopped in, I could feel all the dirt run down as the water ran down my body aswell.

After I got out and changed, I brushed my hair, my teeth, and left down stairs to eat the food on the table. It was avocado toast with salt and tomatoes. I sat down and ate.
Awhile later mom and dad came down all dressed. "Leaving already?" I asked with my mouth full of toast.
"Yeah, we wanna go before it gets crowded so we don't get mobbed"
They said walking towards the front door. "Has your brother left?"
"H-" Finneas came down before I could answer. "Just about" he said with a smile on his face.
"Ok, Billie be careful on your own. Love you both!" Maggie said before they both left to the car.
"What are you doing at cluadias?" I asked, watching Finneas button up his shirt. "It's a date afternoon, and ima be late if I stay longer, see ya soon Billie!" He ran out the house yelling. "Might as well get started" I sighed getting up and putting my shoes on, grabbing the cards on my way out.

I opened the barn door. most of the horses were still sleep, like Pirate, but everyone else was awake.
I moved all the horses where they were supposed to be, in the pasture except Pirate, Appache, Gino, Harvey, and Poncho.
I grabbed Gino and Harvey and walked them to the washing fence and got the hose and soap ready for cleaning. Then I moved Appache into Harvey's stall so Pirate was closer to him.
Pirates pov

I woke up to my ankle throbbing "what's with me and hurting my leg..."
I said, but someone answered "Haha, seems to happen alot huh?" I don't know who it was but it sounded like Appache, but shouldn't he be in the pastures by now?
I finally turned my head, and it was Appache "Ohhh... Appache, what are you doing in Harvey's stall?.." I said giving him a confused look.
"Don't know, Billie just move me here so I guess it has something to do with you" he smiled. His smiles made him look less scarier than without one. "Am I simping over a HORSE?" I thought to myself.
"You gonna try getting up? It might help the pain of your ankle" Appache said nodding at the direction of my legs. "Won't that make it worse though?" I said with concern. " Nope it puts more pressure when your laying down" he said laughing "oh"
So I got in the position to get up, which put so much more pain in. I breathed in and out before lifting up so hard to where I was standing, I almost fell until Appache grabbed my mane to hold me up.
"Thanks.." I said looking at him, face to face really close.
He looked back at me deep in the eyes. "Oh uh, you're welcome." He stuttered looking away again, so I did too.

Billie came in shortly. "Oh Pirate, good you're awake! I have some things for you" she said grabbing cards from the table not too far from my stall.
She came in and lay the cards down in abc and number order. "Ok so look, I'll ask questions and you just nibble or hoof at them and I'll figure out what you're saying" she said looking up at me, which I nodded in response.
"Ok so first we start easy, what was your well... human name and age" I looked around to find [Y/N] and the number 16. I could feel Appache staring at us both in interest.
"Hmmm, what happend to you, how did you reincarnate?" I hoofed at the letters C,A,R,C,R,A,S,H "oh..." Billie said, looking a bit down. "Would you rather the name [Y/N] or Pirate?" she asked really quick. But I really just wanted to be called Pirate to forget about my past, so I hoofed at the letters. A smile grew on Billies face "I'm glad you like the name Pirate" she laughed. " let's keep this secret between me and you for now ok, atleast until your ankle gets better. You too Appache" she said looking at him dead in the eyes, he looked away in response. "Also Pirate do you mind if Appache stays in your stall until you're healed?" I shook my head as in "I don't mind".
"What about Appache, what does he think?" I looked at Appache "No I don't mind" he laughed with me. I looked at Billie and shook my head again, so she moved him in there. (Yes she grabbed the cards)
" I was also wondering if yall wanted to wonder around together, like around the barn "

Next thing you know, me and Appache are bridled together walking down a sand trail by trees. "Where we going?" I said limping after him. "Somewhere fun don't worry" he looked at me and smiled. As we turned around the corner, the trees uncover a beautiful pond that looked purple and blue, with red and orange small trees around it. "This is so beautiful Appache!" I said looking around in shock "I know" he said turning to me and laughing "I hope you know how to swim" he said before I felt a tug at the bridle that made me fly foward, Appache was running towards the pond. And I did NOT know how to swim, but before I could say anything, Appache jumped in, leading me behind. I was struggling so hard to stay above water, I was full with panic and anger that Appache wasn't helping. "Just stand.." Finally Appache said. But he was right, the pond wasn't even that deep.
"Could of told me that before jumping in..." I thought you knew small ponds aren't as deep" he laughed.
He stopped laughing and looked me in the eyes once more, are nose only 1 length away from eachothers. Before I knew it, what it had felt like. Me and Appache had just kissed.
He backed up so fast. "I-im sorry i know this is knew for you but..the day I saw you..I just knew..." he stuttered, still looking me deep in the eyes. " I actually have been feeling like that too..." I said looking down at the fish swimming past my feathers..But they swam away fast as Appache feathers came closer. He lifted my head up with his and kissed me once more. "Do you wanna try dating then?" He said smiling at me. "I certainly would Appache" I touched my nose to his.
Suddenly a car drove by, and someone shouted "Hey what are yall doing over here? Did Billie let yall roam?" he said laughing. as we turned it was Finneas.
He walked us all the way to the barn in his car. "Billie becareful cause they might roam out the barn" Finneas said handing the bridle to her "Oh Finneas, I trust they won't, but thanks for taking them back." She said take the bridle off both us and guiding us to my stall, from the corner of my eyes I could see Poncho staring at me in the flirty look. I just swished my tail at him.
"How'd the date go?" Billie asked Finneas as Poncho also said "Aw come on girl, didn't you miss my face?" He said holding his head up high. "Don-" Appache tried, but I stopped him. "Not one bit..And my name isn't girl."
"Went really well" Finneas said in the background.
"Oh come on, you atleast thought of me once princess" he said snorting "I've had enough of this gu-" I cut Appache off again, but this time with a kiss. "Like I said, not. One. Bit." I bared my teeth
"Ok well can you get Deputy ready while i change?, I need to train her today" Finneas on the back ground with Billie "of course"

Awhile later Billie came back with Deptuy all tacked up and ready, so Finneas got on and left to training.

"So you really would be with him over me?!?!?" Poncho said continuing the conversation from earlier "was a kiss not enough?" I said snuggling up to Appache. "You lost a sassy one bud" Appache said rubbing up on my neck, not leaving Ponchos eye contact.

Poncho suddenly reared with anger and hit down on the stall....Attracking Billies Attention 100% as she ran in here to see what was happening.

End of part 7, I'll post part 8 tomorrow morning.

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