Chapter Ten

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THE OUTSIDE screams hurt my ears. Skelon had brought me to sit down so calmly. I was nervously clinging to my bow.

"You've tried to get rid of me through the king, but only managed to get people killed and in danger."

I was grinding my teeth, he was right, so right.


Skelon didn't have much hair, he was bald except for the small tufts of hair he had by his ears.


From one ear dangled a small golden ring that shone in the small amount of sunlight, which seeped from the hazy window behind me.


His expression so calm, but he frowned at me.


I noticed his scars, so many, on his arms, his legs and one scar that ran down his face and through his eye, his eye lid was badly damaged.


This man was truly terrifying, even just by looking at him I was scared.

"I know.


I have to atone for quite a few sins.


But you are much worse.


You kill people for your own pleasure." his dark eyes seemed to gleam at the words I spoke.

"If everybody survived, life wouldn't be fun for the living.


I'm just making things lively," his grin revealed his crooked yellow teeth, among them was one silver tooth that wasn't as shiny as his earring even though that would be something that is expected from people with fillings.

"You're an disgusting outlaw."

"Thank you," he mocked me as he bowed his head gently.


"Why don't we get down to business then?"

"What exactly is this business." I took a breath.

"You did come here for your friends?


Didn't you?"

"Yes..." I said hesitantly.

"Well, I have an offer for you." I heard a creak come from outside the back door, in came two big muscular bandits, with rather angry looks across their faces.

"I will let Ethan Banner, Donelle Blackwood and Melvin Blackwood go, because you don't care for them as much as you care about your sister and your friend," he waved a hand at one of the bandits and he exited through the back door again.

"I beg to differ on that fact." I would have argued about Peter, for I did care a lot about Elle and Mel but not as much about Ethan, that was for sure.

"Oh really?" he looked at me, an intrigued expression, "isn't your friend the reason why you came here so soon?" he leaned in closer to me.


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