Chapter Three

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"YOU SHOULD SLEEP." I told the man; as we sat around a small fire.  The boys had settled in well and now they slept peacefully.  The heat of the fire radiated against my skin, warm and drowsy.

The man turned to me, "What about you?  Shouldn't you be resting rather than keeping watch?  You're a lady and younger than they are, aren't you?  They should be caring for you instead of lazing about," he retaliated.

"I insisted they sleep," I answered.

The man only clicked his teeth and sighed "what happened to gentlemen?   They disappeared."  The man muttered seemingly distracted in his own thoughts.

"Would you please sleep, sir," I asked nicely.

"Of course my lady.  But don't call me sir, just Marcus is fine." He looked at me with strange expressionless eyes before lying down on the ground, making himself comfortable and closing his eyes.  The night was silent; the only sounds were the blowing wind and the distant sound of crickets.  It was calm and when I was sure everyone was asleep, I crept into the forest.

"Kivera..." I whispered.  Listening I heard the soft flapping of wings and soon I saw Kivera's huge blue figure come between the trees.  "Are those boys really the other dragon riders?" I was curious; I didn't know what to believe but wouldn't it be obvious, especially when they were talking about dragons in such a way.

I have met the other dragons.  She spoke calmly in my mind.  Peter, Simon and Oscar are dragon riders.

"Alex?" I heard a voice and quickly turned around.  There treading blindly through the trees was Peter.

"Peter!" I paused, trying not to look as if I were hiding something.

"What are you doing out here?" he looked confused trying to read my expression.

"Oh, I thought I heard something." I told him, lying.  I was very good at that, lying.

"I see, well you should be a little less noisy, people are trying to sleep you know!" he grinned again; as I had come to realise he did often.

For a moment, I nearly smiled but then came the realisation that he was mocking me.

"I'm a lot more quiet than you." I was angry again.  What an annoying brat.

"Okay, whatever you say.  Just be careful, we wouldn't want to lose our innocent young lady, would we?" he teased.

"Ugh!" I ground my teeth but tried to hide my anger.  I stormed off back to 'the camp'.  Peter of course, following close behind.

"How old are you?" I heard him ask.

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