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Lisa and Rosé got out of the car, which was parked in the middle of the suburbs of seoul. Lisa was wearing a Cruella-wig with cat-eye glasses on and Rosie was wearing a headscarf with sunglasses on.

They went in front of a small police station beside which their car was parked.

"Shall we start madame? " Rosé smirked.

"Sure. " Lisa courtesied.

"OH MY GOD,  ROSALIA YOU BITCH! " Lisa screamed at Rosé.

"Oh yes. I am a bitch and I bite. Now why don't you go to hell, the place where you belong"

"I am packing my bags. Just promise you won't end up there. " Lisa retorted back.

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH ELIZA. " Rose screamed and threw a stone at Lisa, which she dodged.

"Glad the feelings are a mutual, dear ex-best friend. " Lisa said bitterly and throwing the stone back at her.

Two police officers came out of the office after hearing all the commotion.

"What is happening? " One of them asked.

By now Lisa and Rosé were pulling on each other's hair and the officers had to pull them away from each other.

"Geez, what are you girls cat-fighting about? " They snickered.

"Must be about some man out there. What else would they ever talk about?" The other one said.

"Yes officer, you are right!" Lisa screamed in a sickly sweet voice.

Rosé gave her a confused look. Lisa winked at her in reply. Rosie was really confused because the dare was to make a little commotion and then get back to the car.

"That is my best friend. My boyfriend cheated on me. With her! " She looked at Rosé, "How could you do that!"

"Well, me and him. Under the sheets. At night. Tskk What was the time again? " She decided to play along with her. 

After a few more screams and curses the police finally stepped in between.

"I am sorry ma'am but we will have to take you under arrest for causing such a ruckus at a public place. "

The police came towards Lisa with handcuffs but Lisa stepped away from him, "Woah Woah Woah. Dude calm down, alright. "

"Exactly. " Rosé freed herself from the other officer, "Who the hell told you this was serious? "

"Huh? " The police officers looked at each other in confusion.

"This was quite a show, wasn't it? " Lisa asked, "You see officer, we did this because A.) we were bored and B.) We just wanted to show some misogynistic self-centered men that not everything is about them. "

"Yeah, you men really need to get over yourself not everything revolves around you. " Rosé added.

The latter was still frozen due to the shock.

"So, what do we do now? " Rosie whispered to Lisa.

" " Lisa told her and off they went. They signaled the car to follow them to the other side of the buildings so that the police won't catch them and ran again. Lisa and Rosé's laughs could be heard over all the traffic on the road.

They sat in the car in rush, still laughing.

"God, you girls are crazy! I was, surely the one to raise you. " Jisoo laughed.

After Rosé was done laughing, she noticed something. She was sitting beside Jimin.

'Oh no, please no no no.' To her surprise, Jimin was staring at her while wearing a cute little smile.

"D-don't stare at me like that." Rosé snapped her face away from him. There was an almost hurt expression on his face before turning into cold, "I was not staring at you. Don't flatter yourself. "

"Whatever. " Rosé scoffed.

"That was so bold of you Miss Manoban." Jungkook smirked at Lisa.

"You should not be so surprised Jeon. Remember, I am the girl who attends her university in disguise? " Lisa smirked back.

"So where do we go next? " J-hope chimed.

"I was thinking, what if we drive to Gwangju? " Suga asked.

"But that's way too far, Yoongi. It's like a 3-hour drive." Jin said.

"So what? We are adults. I say we go to the Gonjiam haunted Assylum there." Suga said.

"The Gonjiam Assylum is literally the most haunted place in Korea. " Hobi said.

"Haunted! Haunted!" Jisoo exclaimed, "I want to go there. Guys Pleeeeeease. We can stay there for the night and can drive back tomorrow!"

Jin sighed as he stared at Jisoo, "Alright then."

"YAY!" Everyone exclaimed.


I have been going through a writer's block. This is the best I could do, sorry if anyone didn't like the chapter.

I promise the next part will be better.

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