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"So when I was at school, which was a nightmare, I used to bunk all of my classes to play with this rock band full of college kids. That was so fun!" Chae said as she munched the chicken wings.

Jimin amusedly looked at her. Apparently, the girl's so-called, "love of life" was not someone, not something but somewhere. It was a restaurant, deep inside the streets of Seoul. The restaurant was empty, probably because Chae called them in advance or the fact that it is almost midnight now. They were eating the extra spicy chicken wings with extra spicy sauce. The guy has been seeing the girl eating and rambling for about an hour now. He was eating too, of course.

"I was the kind of person who stressed about stress even before there was stress to stress about"

"God Rosé that's too much stress, don't you think?" He said chuckling.

"I knowrrr" Chae said in her Aussi accent, "That's why I turned to music, I guess. Because it is serene and calm and peaceful" She said smiling at the thought of music.

Jimin smiled at this and said, "Music is a universal language. It goes beyond boundaries that exist on maps. The fact that people listen to our songs, that are in the Korean language when they don't even know the language." Rosie nodded at this. There was a silence after this, a comfortable one.

Before Jimin said, "You know when I was at school, the most comforting words anyone could say to me was 'I haven't started either.'" He said.

"Yeah, we were all kinda low-key sadists at school," Chae said and both the idols laughed at this.

"Couldn't agree more," Jimin said running his fingers through his hair in the typical Jimin way. Rosé stared at him and thought, 'How do his frikin hair even look so fluffy and soft'

"Falling in love with me already, babygirl?" He said smirking enjoying the girl's stare of course. Chae didn't answer him and Jimin was just staring at her too.

She coughed and smiled fakely and said, "A boy can dream now, can't he?"

She coughed and smiled fakely and said, "A boy can dream now, can't he?"

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Jimin was still staring at her, "Stop looking at me like that." She stood up and went to the old lady at the cash counter.

"So sorry for the inconvenience Ajhumma," She said hugging the old lady, "and a huge thank you for the delicious meal," She said doing her world-famous aegyo.

The old lady laughed at this and said, "Anything for my chipmunk, and after all, you don't come here often, anymore." The lady said, "and look at how thin you have become, eat more, arrasso?" She said.

"Ne Ajhumma," Rosé said doing a salute. "Ajhumma we have to go now, see you later." Ro hugged the lady goodbye and went to the car with Jimin.

"I'll drop you at your home now," Jimin said as they sat in the car.

"Alright!" Rosé said. She then looked away, towards the window. Smiling at the beauty of the night. The magical way in which the moon was shining. She suddenly looked at Jimin, who was driving the car, his blonde long hair looked golden under the moonlight. They flowed in a rythm, like in slow motion. They way he runs his fingers through his hair...

Rosé shook her head lightly.
Yahh Ro! Stop procrastinating. This is not one of those Wattpad Fanfics!

"Ro." Jimin says gently. Rosé hummed in response.

"How do you think people fall in love?" He asked, catching Chae off guard as she wasn't expecting this.

"huh?...I-I..Uhmmm...Fate, I guess?" She said afer regaining her senses.

Jimin Chuckled a this, "Really?"

"I don't know Jimin." Chae sighed, "Never fell for anyone."

"Never?" Jimin said, visibly surprised.

"Have you?" Chae asked out of sheer curiosity.

Jimin's smile faded, "Yes." He paused and continued, "And as much exciting falling is, crashing down is painfull. It can destroy you completely, especially, when the other person is not down there, ready to catch you. When they see you crashing down. When they see you heart shattering into pieces, but they do nothing. Just walk away."

There was silence, yet again, but this time it was not comfortable. It was suffocating.

"You know how I think one falls in love" Jimin said, smiling bitterely. Rosé hummed.

"You know the way, you have known a song for a long time. You have listened to it, a few times too. And then one day, the song just hits you and becomes your favourite. You are like, 'Why did I never give attention to this masterpiece before'. And then all you do is listen to that one song. First you fall in love with the rythm, then the beats, then the lyrics and eventually the whole song. Everytime you listen to that song you see it in a more lovlier light."

He continued, "I think, that's how you fall in love. You might have known that person for your whole life or for a couple of days. But one day you just see that...that one thing. Then you wanna know them better and then you notice things about them, that you have never before. You are finally in love with them as whole. That person never leaves your head. That's how one falls in love with a person, the same way one falls in love with a song."

He smiled bitterely "You thank the god for not giving them to someone else but you. You fall in love with their eyes, their smile, the way they jump, get suprised. You think that maybe all of it is a part of some plan, cause it's too good to be real."

He looked at Chae and said, "And that's why we think that it's fate because you love them so deeply you start thinking that there's no way you deserve them or that they are with you because of your charm, your personality. Probably, that person is there with you because they are meant to be with you."

Chaeyoung was speechless, just staring at the man in front of her, the person who had an overflow of emotions. His eyes could tell. Jimin stopped the car, "And that is exactly why it hurts when they leave you.You ask yourself, 'Was this written too? Was i supposed to be destroyed like this.' They give you scars, scars on your perfectly normal heart."

"Ji-" Chaeyoung whispered but was cut off by Jimin.

"We have to part ways here, I guess." Chaeyoung got out of the car.

Jimin started the car, "Jimin" He looked at her, "Isn't it possible that the scars of pain are what makes us special, different. Probably the scars are the exact things that shine like stars later." She smiled as she waved at him and turned away.

Jimin tilted his head as he stared at her figure which was becoming smaller and smaller as she went away.

'I need to stay away from her. Following my heart has done nothing broken it.' He thought as he knew because somewhere in between the day, it was not a game anymore, for both of them. They were actually enjoying each other's company. That is not good, not good for Jimin. Not after what happened.

HEYA LOVES! So yeah that was a chapter, sappy AF. Hope you liked it, today I only featured Jirosé.

What do you think happened with Jimin, that he has such a negative yet beautiful thought about love..?


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